Hi again for the second time in just over a month!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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And this time I really hope to stay!

I didn't wait for my first AF after my miscarriage in early July because I couldn't think of a good reason to - we want a sibling for Ella asap so I did ov sticks and hey presto - got my BFP yesterday at 9DPO :)

Am so happy and I have a really good feeling about this pregnancy. :good:
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All the best for this pregnancy hun x
Welcome back Hun, glad I'll have to find another buyer for my cbfm lol
Fingers crossed for a sticky bean xxxx
Welcome Annie and here's to a happy and healthy 9 months to both of us, be great going through each tri together again but no queue jumping this time lol xxxxx
Congrats Annie! So pleased for you

Will you ask for an early scan to help with dating , as you didn't have your period after MC? (You must have been super fertile! - well done)

Lanny are you pregnant!!??? where have I been
You and your OH must just look each other and you get up the duff. No bumping uglies required!

Congrats and I really hope you get a sticky bean so your beautiful Ella can get herself a little baby brother or sister :yay: xxx
Congrats. Fingers crossed for a sticky one this time. xxx
Awww so happy for you welcome back hun xxx
Congrats Annie...Im the same I didnt have a period after my MC fell straightaway and here I am at 23 weeks :) xx

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