Hey ladies

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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I got my BFP last night, Which was a shock, as we've been trying for a long time but I genuinely didn't think I was pregnant this time.
Anyway I tested becuase I was having brown spotting , this morning I started having some fresh blood bleeding, I would have been 5-6 weeks!
So When will I start getting the clots? How long will I bleed for ?
Sorry for all the questions And thanks x
Some ladies do bleed in early pregnancy, has it got any heavier ?. I would ask gp for a blood test to check out your hcg hormone, if it's increasing you are still pregnant.

I had some bleeding early on with my son, he's 14yrs old now, really hope it's good news Lulla. x
I had a full blown period, so thought i wasnt pregnant , did a test last night because I had brown spotting and I'm a POAS addict and it was instantly BFP and 2-3 on a digital! So I know I conceived before my ' period'
The sotting turned to red today, its like a light/medium watery blood enough to be concerned and what I would consider a full flow, I have been offered bloods, but I'm actually going away tomorrow for my nans funeral and ill be away for a week so I wont be able to go in for the second lot, Im very sceptical and I'm sure I'm loosing it, just because over the last 3 weeks Ive lost so much blood xxx
There might still be hope. With my loss I had watery bleed to start with but my loss turned quickly to thick mucusy, stringy blood with clots. I would definitely have the blood test to see what's going on. x
Lulla I hope it isn't a mc for you, I would get bloods done before you go and then when you come back too if you are still testing positive then. Reading 2-3 weeks is a good sign that early, it is possible it was multiples and one of them has been lost?
Hope it's not an mc Hun and you get some good news xx
hey ladies, I've done more tests and they are now BFN I started bleeding last Tuesday, and I'm still spotting/ light bleeding brown, nothing has come away yet, I've not had clumps or cramps, Just a few twinges.
Do I need to go to the doctors ? my mum had a MC a few years back and the foetus didn't come away, she ended up with sepsis, so I'm worried the same will happen to me.
Thanks xxx
So sorry to hear this lullabell. Because it's so early this will likely just continue as a heavier/longer period. Personally I would go to the docs just so it's on your notes but also for you to give you some piece of mind as you're worried about your mum's experience. Hope you are taking care of yourself x
Thankyou I went today, they said as im having no pains or cramps Ive passed the worst of it. Pretty sure im ovulating already, Im having all the major signs and my cm is super fertile!
Were cracking on again xx

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