hey girlies newbie needin advice lol...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2007
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ok so came on my period last month couple of weeks late and when i did it was all weird...like on one day and off the next and then like on for the morning then off again etc etc and wasnt very heavy either! :?

so anyway id say since mayb a week before then max n then like ever since i have been feeling really rubbish!! i feel sick when i get up and am always needing a wee! im really really over tired and am not doing anything extra to before...maybe less!! sometimes get weird butterflies as well low down in my tummy. also today i have a back pain like i get when im on my period but there is no peirod...if u no wot i mean?!

anyways am kind of scared go doctors after miscarriage :( anyone any ideas what else i can do?? i know the obvious is to take a test but it will it show up yet? although me and my bf arent directly trying we arent preventing and since the miscarriage we dont want to get our hopes up or anything so wondering if it will show up yet or not?? dont know...am very confused right now!! :cry:
Sounds like you could have had an implantation bleed hun!! how long ago did you get your late period? I'd be tempted to say that a test would pick it up by now particularly as your period was 2 weeks late!!
:hug: :hug:
I would have thought a test would show up by now then, I know you must feel anxious but the only way to know is to take a test hunny, be strong you will be fine. :hug: :hug: :hug:
i try to be strong but...im really weak inside!! need someone holding my hand and my bf cant really do that right now as hes having a bit of a mental breakdown!! need a friend lol...im sure they all would if i asked...but at the same time as not wanting to be i really want ot be and dont want the disappointment of not being preggers if that makes any sense at all?!?!?! :wall:
i deffo think you should do a test to see :hug:
i think you should do a test too - we'll hold your cyber hand!! keep us posted as to how you get on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
tinkerbellthepixie said:
i try to be strong but...im really weak inside!! need someone holding my hand and my bf cant really do that right now as hes having a bit of a mental breakdown!! need a friend lol...im sure they all would if i asked...but at the same time as not wanting to be i really want ot be and dont want the disappointment of not being preggers if that makes any sense at all?!?!?! :wall:

It does make sense hun :hug: Test though and then you'll know...

We're all here for you :hug:
Oh how exciting you gotta test hun, we are all holding your hand virtually

thank you =]
am taking the test today
very very very very very scared!! i know its going to be neg and i dont know why im scared!! but i am!! wanna :puke: lol! xx
ent takn it yet y bf had to go pick it up coz i culdnt get out at lunch and chemist closed early on wednesdays for some reason lol
am takin it wen i get a chance to see him coz hes busy workin atm so...am soooooooooooooooooo scared!! dont no wot 2 do really...dont no y im scared either!! xx

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