Here we go again!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I have just been to the baby clinic to see the hv about dd's cough and to chase up her 8 month check anyway while i was there i got her weighed. Shes only put on 5oz in a month i had to go through what i was giving her to eat and they were giving me ideas of what other foods to introduce. They were very nice about her slow weight gain but i came away thinking that im not feeding her enough as we are still trying to break the 15lb mark.

Ive learnt my lesson from last time we went through the slow weight gain when she was younger, im not getting her weighed again :rotfl:

Anyone else want to join me in the my babys small but she perfectly healthy club so leave me alone and stop making me feel like im not doing a good job club :evil:

Can you tell my day has gone from bad to worse. :x
I haven't had this with Cally the chunk but I remember it well from Seren - the massively tall child who now weighs over 2 stone. This fixation with weight from HV's is sooo annoying - I ended up not getting Seren weighed.
Angel only put 4oz on in 4 weeks! Nothing was said besides she was doing well. Yeah she's 2lb heavier than Sophie but still, i was bothered but i never ever get question what i feed her.
My post from my other Pregnancy Forum from today (where I am a scary admin type person like Beanie mwahahahaha) - I was SO wound up when I got back from clinic it took me ages to calm down. Thread was entitled "Health Visitor of Doom":

I frickin hate her.

For starters I should probably mention that because I live in rural village land we only have one covering about a 10 mile radius. The first one we had was on holiday when Connie was born so she didn't visit until Connie was 2 months - which was when her lactose intolerance FINALLY got diagnosed after 2 months of TOTAL stress GRR. She was a nice lady though just would have preferred more visits especially given the state I was in. Mind you she only works Tue Wed Thu and clinic's only once a month :roll:

She's now off on compassionate leave (husband's got cancer) so we've got GodSquad Health Visitor of Doooooooom. She manages to make me feel inadequate every time I see her. She has about 5348726534 kids and she's even adopted a baby girl from China on top. She always looks immaculate and she looks at you like you're sh*t because you feed your baby jars occasionally.

I told her Connie can't eat potato and seems to be allergic to it and she lamented this saying "OH DEAR well you've taught her to be fussy now blah blah and SO many recipes have potato in"...

So, she asked what Connie WILL eat... I said she loves veg, pasta, tomatoes, cheese, apples, fruit... and she then spent 10 minutes lecturing me that the eczema society say Connie should avoid ALL TOMATOES or SHE WILL HAVE BAD ECZEMA and ALL APPLES BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE POTATO FAMILY. Great, so what the hell do you want me to cook her now that she'll actually eat?? And jars are evil of course.

Then she asked me if my "mother in law is still doing everything for Connie"... WTF does it look like it? Who's brought her to clinic?

AND the classic... OH SHE'S LOST LOAD OF WEIGHT SINCE YOU'VE BEEN HOME FROM HOSPITAL LOOK she's 25% instead of 40%. I kindly pointed out Connie was 33 weeks not 35 weeks as she'd plotted on the graph and she claimed her disc thing was "never wrong"... well I gave birth to Connie and she's 33 bl**dy weeks. Which makes her 40%. No apology, nothing.

So now I've come away feeling like I'm a crap mum due to my jar usage and the fact my daughter is fussy / allergic to stuff.
debecca said:
My post from my other Pregnancy Forum from today (where I am a scary admin type person like Beanie mwahahahaha) - I was SO wound up when I got back from clinic it took me ages to calm down. Thread was entitled "Health Visitor of Doom":

I frickin hate her.

For starters I should probably mention that because I live in rural village land we only have one covering about a 10 mile radius. The first one we had was on holiday when Connie was born so she didn't visit until Connie was 2 months - which was when her lactose intolerance FINALLY got diagnosed after 2 months of TOTAL stress GRR. She was a nice lady though just would have preferred more visits especially given the state I was in. Mind you she only works Tue Wed Thu and clinic's only once a month :roll:

She's now off on compassionate leave (husband's got cancer) so we've got GodSquad Health Visitor of Doooooooom. She manages to make me feel inadequate every time I see her. She has about 5348726534 kids and she's even adopted a baby girl from China on top. She always looks immaculate and she looks at you like you're sh*t because you feed your baby jars occasionally.

I told her Connie can't eat potato and seems to be allergic to it and she lamented this saying "OH DEAR well you've taught her to be fussy now blah blah and SO many recipes have potato in"...

So, she asked what Connie WILL eat... I said she loves veg, pasta, tomatoes, cheese, apples, fruit... and she then spent 10 minutes lecturing me that the eczema society say Connie should avoid ALL TOMATOES or SHE WILL HAVE BAD ECZEMA and ALL APPLES BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE POTATO FAMILY. Great, so what the hell do you want me to cook her now that she'll actually eat?? And jars are evil of course.

Then she asked me if my "mother in law is still doing everything for Connie"... WTF does it look like it? Who's brought her to clinic?

AND the classic... OH SHE'S LOST LOAD OF WEIGHT SINCE YOU'VE BEEN HOME FROM HOSPITAL LOOK she's 25% instead of 40%. I kindly pointed out Connie was 33 weeks not 35 weeks as she'd plotted on the graph and she claimed her disc thing was "never wrong"... well I gave birth to Connie and she's 33 bl**dy weeks. Which makes her 40%. No apology, nothing.

So now I've come away feeling like I'm a crap mum due to my jar usage and the fact my daughter is fussy / allergic to stuff.

Ok you win Bex your hv's sound terrible. Oh you sound like your doing much better :lol:

Im not overly worried just a little taken aback as she eats for England i dont think i could get any more food in her will just have to look at what im feeding her instead.
Calleigh is dropping down the percentiles and only gained 4ozs in the last month but hey ho she is happy. She isnt a big eater she prefers her milk and when telling the HV this i got 'well she needs to be eating this and that and all the crap about iron stores'

I then got told if she fell down the centiles three times in a row then they would be concerned :?

I then said on the way out that it would be unlikely that we saw her again soon as i am going back to work so cant attend clinic, she then promptly started to find me a clinic i could attend :roll:

Thats it for me i think, i shall go if i think Calleigh is not doing well but i think she is doing fine.

She weighs 17lb 13oz.
I don't have the small baby problem, but have the opposite in that my HV won't weigh Ella as she is now too big!
oh no not again, i really wouldnt worry bloom, Bethany is a similar weight so maybe we are just meant to have petite children, had bethany weighed on thurs she weighed 15lb 6oz, they are moving lots now so will put less weight on, as long as sophie is happy and healthy thats all that matters
Emma is small, I dont know what she weighs as I havent been to the clinic for 2 months as it is on a day I work and I havent got my act together to go to a clinic in a different village.

Emma was always on one of the lower percentiles and put on weight very slowly. She is very lively though, alert, moves a lot, into everything. There doesnt seem to be anything wrong with her!

I do worry that she doesnt eat enough, but it isnt from want of me trying - I offer her food and she basically has what she wants and then either cries, turns away or gags to say that she has had enough!

When I hear what other babies eat, I wonder why Emms eats less, but she was only 6'3 when she was born and I think is just a littlie!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Luke's always been on the 25th line and is dropping. Last week he was around 10th. :(
I get sick of it too but have the opposite problem, people are always telling me how big Morgan is and gosh isnt he long/tall and hasnt he put on weight, erm no! I took him to be weighed this week and he had lost weight since last weigh in!He is now back under 20lb :wall: after spending ages trying to get there. He was born on the 75th centile, spent months on the 25th centile and now is below the 25th, he refuses to eat anything for breakfast or lunch and seems to survive on only tea and HATES milk. God knows what i should do with him, perhaps in a few months he'll be newborn again lol. I bought him a new car seat which he has just gone into and now is under the weight limit for it. :wall:
can i join in please....
adam was 12lb 7oz last time i got him weighed (4 weeks ago) and he had lost 4oz ....prob coz he was ill for a week with 2 burst ear drums so didn't eat i haven't bothered taking him back to be weighed again....bad mummy alert....even though i signed to say i would get him weighed every 2 weeks as a condition of keeping the apnea monitor !!

the last time he lost weight they made me give him formula :evil: :evil: (nothing wrong with formula btw) which made my supply go tits up :lol: :lol: :( and i have just got it going good again so don't want to go back to formula, have also started weaning so he should be improving.

he has only been on the bottom of the chart for a while and had now dropped off again i think......he is totally healthy, he can sit up and roll and he is trying to crawl.

he is a real wriggler though always bouncing on my lap and jumping up and down when you stand him up, one hv i saw commented on the fact that he never keeps still and said that is prob why he never puts on much weight, but all the others are useless.
Ignore them.

Finlay was never on any of the stupid lines until about 6/7 months. He never stops moving though.

You know yourself how your LO is ;)
I weighed Emms on our scales this week as this prompted me to think about it and she is 161b, so still a littlie but she basically puts on 1lb a month!! At least she's not going down!!! :hug: :hug:
Oh no will it never end?! I'm going through that now as Lily is only putting on about 4oz every 2 weeks. This time I asked the hv to measure her though and she is on the 75th centile for height so is obviously a tall, skinny baby. And she just does not stop moving so must burn off more calories.
I think I may have to join the 'my babys small but she perfectly healthy club so leave me alone and stop making me feel like im not doing a good job club' !!
We have this "problem" too. James is only 18lbish now. He started on the 25th centile, dropped down to the 9th after about 2 months and has been there ever since. He also does not keep still... EVER! I don't take him to the clinic any more. The last time we went the HV said "Right, this has been going on long enough. You need to take him to the doctor to get him to prescribe some 'build up'." :evil: :evil: I thanked her for her advice and told her I would NOT be doing that as he was perfectly happy and healthy. She looked a bit confused and said "see you again" to which I replied "no, I don't think so" and left... That was nearly 3 months ago. I weighed him for the first time since on the bathroom scales the other day...

Ignore them. I'm susre your baby is absolutely fine. They are meant to help not make us feel like poo... :D

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