Here is my house. Opinions pls


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
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It looks like a right heap and it really is. We have no GCH or no modern kitchen. But we've been on the market for 7 days now and we've had an offer of £80,000.

We've both never sold ahouse before so we dont know if thats slow getting an offer after 7 days or quick therefore should we wait for another :? We would ideally need £82000 to get rid of debts etc but £800000 would do, only the overdraft wouldn't get paid.

The biggest minus to this whole thing is that as we cant afford to buy again and renting is hard in this area that we would have to move in with mother in law *screech screech screech*

anyways what would you pay?
I think its a lovely house.

I don't know what house buying in your area is like but here that would be on the market for £100,000 at least, house prices are sooo high here.

Not sure whether to accept it or not.

I don't know what the market is like in your area but I used to work in an estate agents and often the vendors used to reject the early offers because they felt the property had only just come on the market and that they might get a higher offer later on.

Sometimes they did get a higher offer, but in my experience most of them didn't - they just had a few more months of having potential buyers trapse through their house. It was awful when some vendors didn't manage to get the same offer again and had to accept lower.

I'm certainly not in a position to tell you what to do - I thought I'd just reassure you that lots of people receive quick offers because bear in mind that the estate agents acting for you have called round their entire database of buyers to tell them about this new property on their books.

Have the agents told you if the person will increase their offer?

Best of luck

I would have made an initial offer of £80000 and expected it to be rejected....
Then upped to £82500...

Our house was up for £93000... we initially offered £87500 (being cheeky!) which was denied, but we had already viewed the house 3 times, and had fallen in love with it, so when it was denied we upped to £90000, which was accepted straight away, and they even left us the oven & washing machine.

Our house hasn't got a modern kitchen but it has got GCH & DG - Which were the 2 things i personally wanted.... The houses that didn't have these on the same street were going for about £84000 but i didn't want the hassel of getting it installed!!

If it was me i would deny it and say that you would accept £82500 - kind of a compramise between your initial asking price and their offer.... At least then you can pay off the overdraft!

Howcome you're selling if you're not buying a new house?
If you don't mind me asking?

WOW thats gorgeous!

thats really cheap, a house like that in tod wud be 90-100k but for the nicer areas ur lookat 100k plus
Mines been on and off the market for nearly 2 years (ex hubby being a tit) and we finally had an offer, the only one in all that time. When we bought the house it had been on the market 3 days but I think the way the market is then 7 days and youre very lucky :)
Hi Hearts...

I think your house looks lovely! If I was you, I'd go back and say you want xyz. You've had an offer within the first week. You don't have to accept the first one. Another WILL come along. If these folk really want it - they will up their offer.

It's important to get what you need in order to clear your debts etc. Don't give it away just yet. Play the game and say.. We have considered your offer, but since it's still early days and we've had quite a lot of interest, we are willing to wait until we are offered £82 000 or whatever you want.

We sold quite a few properties in Edinburgh and Scottish Borders. People want a bargain, but once they've made an offer, it's usually because they WANT it and another couple of grand is NOT doing to dent their bank account!

So, I know you're desperate - but if you can hold out just a little bit longer (a week or two). I would anyway.
Your house is really gorgeous and it looks neat, airy and in "moving in" condition. Your kitchen might not be up to YOUR standards, but I think it looks great.

Good luck hun!
Emilia xx
If your house was on for 80k round here it wouldn't have lasted 5 mins :shock: Hang on in there if you need more, it looks well worth it!

It lovely, and the size/price is perfect for the competitive first time buyers market so I wouldn't have thought you'd be waiting long.

You can't get a house anywhere in Brum for less than 100k, might consider a move to Carlsile! :D
It is lovely and I love Cumbria,we always thought we wouldnt be able to afford to live there.

My house is a 3 bed semi and is worth £200 k I dont understand this? I would expect yours to be worth at least £120 k two beds in our area are £124-130 k and 1 bed flats are £100 k so maybe I live in an expensive area I dont know? I am in the country though.

I want to move to Ambleside n Cumbria and we go to Penrith at least 4 times a year,do you know the hotel Shire Inns on the roundabout into penrith I think it is called North Lakes,they are lovely people who work there know them all pretty well now,lol.

I would hold out for a better offer myself,take care
I agree with the others, refuse the £82k but say to the agent that you would accept £82,500 or whatever you are comfortable with. I'm a letting agent, but we sell investment property too, and tend to find that the tfirst offer is refused, and the buyer always comes back with an offer a few grand higher, the first offer is the tempter, so the vendor can decide what they think their house is worth, and the buyer is trying to see how desparate you are to sell, if you're desparate you'll take what you're offered.

We sold a house this week that was on on market for £185k, first offer was £180k, owner refused but accepted £183k. So I think you'll easily get what you need. Its normal for the buyer to offer under what they are willing to pay, then come back with a better offer, saying they have had to borrow the extra but won't be able to increase the offer again etc.

Good luck, your house is lovely, kitchen is modern enough that the buyer won't have top replace it, and the difference saved between the asking price and the £82k that you need, will pay for the buyer to install GCH if they want to.

Good Luck, don't undersell it, if they offered they want it, a couple of grand won't be a deal breaker for them i'm sure of it.
I think it looks really nice. I would reject the 80000 offer IMO because everyone makes silly offers initially just incase, wouldnt you? i wouldnt expect it to be accepted though.

Its soooo cheap aswell!!! I have a terraced 2 bedroom, small bathroom, small kitchen, living room and they go for up to 200000 here its crazy!
I think your house is lovely! That would go for around £120,000 where I live - that's the reason we're having to rent. :(

I agree with everyone else hun. You should really only accept the first offer if it is the asking price. The potential buyers have no way offered their limit first, they are expecting you to turn it down. Even if you say that you will only accept £82,000 and nothing less, and then they say that they can't go any higher than 80,000, there is no reason that you wouldn't be able to accept their original offer anyway! It's worth a go to ensure you will be debt free.
I forgot to say... can i just buy your kitchen and have it moved onto my house??
I have fallen in love with your kitchen!!!

Blimey, I thought your house was lovely. Prices here are sky high at the mo. It would go for 125k here I reckon so hold out for more. Love the front room!
Your house is gorgeous :D

I agree with the others. I'd reject their offer and statethat you were looking for £82k and you would be happy to take it off the market at that.

We had our house up for sale recently at offers over £135k the first couple to look at the house within a couple of days of it going on the market offered £129k, we said no straight away so 10mins later the estate agent came back with £132k final offer.
We said no, we think its worth well over £135k but would settle for that as it's only just gone on the market.
The day after the estate agent rang us back and they offered the full amount.
I later found there house on the net at £135k so they were trying to be cheeky and save themselves a couple of grand.

Its also worth asking the estate agent what there situation is, do they have a house to sell? Are they first time buyers etc.
Chances are they'll love you house enough to part with a further £2k.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Yvonne said:
I think its a lovely house.

I don't know what house buying in your area is like but here that would be on the market for £100,000 at least, house prices are sooo high here.

Not sure whether to accept it or not.

Christ you should try living down south, its just crazy. My one bedroom flat sold for £117,500 last year! A 2 bed terraced where i live would go for £180 - £190,000 :shock:
So I wouldn't have a clue about house prices where you are but I wouldn't accepted there first offer though.
nicki said:
Yvonne said:
I think its a lovely house.

I don't know what house buying in your area is like but here that would be on the market for £100,000 at least, house prices are sooo high here.

Not sure whether to accept it or not.

Christ you should try living down south, its just crazy. My one bedroom flat sold for £117,500 last year! A 2 bed terraced where i live would go for £180 - £190,000 :shock:
So I wouldn't have a clue about house prices where you are but I wouldn't accepted there first offer though.

Yeah I know that feeling Nicki, my in laws 2 bed semi just round the corner from ours is worth £220K now apparently :shock:
Snap! our house goes on the market tomorrow! We have found a house we want so are hoping for a quick sale. Will have to show you a link once its on the right move site.

How many people have come round to see the house so far and do your agents have move people lined up to see it? I think you best chances of selling are during the first couple of weeks when your details are sent out to everyone who is looking, after that if you get no interest its only new people who come on the the market, so viewing will slow down. I agree with everyone else that your best off holding out for a bit more, but it depends on how desperate you are to sell. I mean we may except a lower offer on ours because we dont want to lose the house we want, but if your moving in with mum then surely you can hold out for what you want.

Nice house BTW!
Wow loads of replies thanks :D

I cant believe how different the house prices are down south :shock: Unless its just crappy Carlisle that cheap lol.

A few of you have said that that'll be their opening offer and they'll up it. I forgot to put that they'd already offerd £76,000 which I turned down straight away so not sure if they'll up it again :?

It went on the market last Sat and everyday since then we've had atleast 3 people a day. It is sooo hard trying to keep a house tidy with a baby and a dog. :( And my right arm is like Popeyes with carrying Reece up and down the stairs all day.

HayleyB said:
Howcome you're selling if you're not buying a new house?
If you don't mind me asking?

I forgot to say... can i just buy your kitchen and have it moved onto my house??
I have fallen in love with your kitchen!!!

We selling cos there's no room in it for Reece and the dog. The dog is getting snappy with him. We need a garden but as I've packed my job in we wont be able to get a high enough mortgage for a garden house. Rentings our only option :(

p.s My kitchen is 20 years old I just bought the doors from B&Q last year. £4 each in the sale! :dance:
thats very cheap i think. i would defo buy it for £82000 you would never get a house round her for that

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