

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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The passed few days whenever i've left Angel on her changing mat she's being sick alot. It goes everywhere.
Now today she's started screaming. At 10.30 this morning she started so i took her for a walk in the pram. She cried the whole way round. Finally about 1.5hours later she went off to sleep. I decided to go out to do some gardening coz i would hear when she woke but the second i opened the patio door she screamed again. It was proper, as-hard-as-she-could, top-of-her-voice, making-herself-cough, type screaming! Her whole face was wet from crying, i stripped her down as she'd made herself hot.
I took her back out in her pram and she eventually went to sleep. This was after 3hours of screaming. with that 5 min kip in the middle!
She slept for 45mins, woke up, had some food, played for a bit then started all over again!
She's asleep now but it's really stressing me out. I've been in tears coz i feel like a terrible mother. Like i should know what's wrong and know how to fix it!
Is the vomiting and refusing to sleep linked? Or am i reading too much into it?
I just don't know what to do and have no one to help as OH has been working!
Sorry for essay.
She may be making herself sick from getting herself in a state. Not sure what to suggest DD has become very clingy i cant put her down inless its in her bouncy chair. :wall: :wall: It started with the crying in the car and now its moved onto crying in the pram too so im carrying her everywhere.

You are not alone its nothing your doing wrong im hoping its just a phase but you are not alone.
She's not sick when she cries. It's just something she's been doing while on the floor. But it's recent then this started. But she's not giving me any clue to it being colic. I'll sit her up and wind her but nothing comes out. I gave her some calpol earlier coz she had a bit of temp, but then she wound herself up more so that was pointless. She did this the other night for a while and OH had to take her. I think she only does it as she's tired, but i just can't get her to sleep.
Yep, nappies are the same. Makes no odds whether i hold her or rock her in her pram. I talked to her, as sometimes when she cries all we did was talk to her and she'd stop. Put music on as that helps in the car. But now she cries in the car, but i couldn't try that today as OH has it.
Worst thing is she just looks at me. My OH rang me and suggested cooled boiled water. So i've made that up for when she wakes. But then i feel bad thinking, "I should've know to try that"
I have no idea what else to try. And with no car i couldn't get to the HV as she was in surgery today.
I don't wanna waste doctors time if she's just hot and being over-dramatic.
Logans always sick when he lies on his changing mat. I thought it was caused by trapped wind
muppetmummy said:
Logans always sick when he lies on his changing mat. I thought it was caused by trapped wind

That could just be whats she's got. But it gets in her hair and ears, i need to change her. And she does it alot when sat up too. Most of my clothes are washed due to her projectile vomiting everywhere. I spoke to HV 2 weeks again and they told me it was nothing to worry about. So guessing it's not linked to the crying.

It's just today i've been in such a state as i've not known what to do. I read in books to lay her down, leave the room to take a breath then go back in, but i doesn't make any difference.

I swear i worry too much, but i can't help it. Just needed to know i'm not alone.
Calleigh had a day like this the other day.
She was proper crying and working herself into a right state. she wouldnt sleep or feed. She just cried for four hours nearly non stop.

I reckon it was because she was over tired and hungry. The bloody neighbours were banging around outside the windows so she wouldnt nap. So in the end i just shoved my boob in her gob and held it there till she took it. Then she finally wore herself out and slept.

It was so horrible because she cried and cried and she usually never cries like that. Made me cry too :cry:
I have days like this too!

In fact today has been a bit like it not as bad tho. Hope the water works, this heat cant help as well. Chester has been naked most of the day!

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