I do NOT like my pram Mummy!

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Any tips for pacifying LO in pram?

My LO sleeps well in her pram, but she only naps for 30mins 3 times a day. The rest of the time she likes to play and mostly likes to be carried. She is not happy lying awake in her pram and just screams the whole time. This makes it really restricting for me as I can only go out for 30 mins during her nap! Mooching around the shops is a no no! And if I mnage to get out in peace I can't get home again without her screaming! Aaaaarrrgghh!

I've tried toys dangling from the pram (she has a freddie firefly) but just wondered if anyone else has a LO who is not keen on their pram and if you have any tips???

She's too small for her pushchair just yet and she hates slings more than her pram (though I may have to persevere with trying the sling).

She doesn't have a dummy and after 3 months without one I don't really want to start using one. Or should I? She doesn't seem to be able to settle herself and just winds herself up into a frenzy if I don't pick her up!

Any tips (or messages of empathy) greatly appreciated!
Can you not put her in the pushchair and put the seat as flat as it will go? Maybe she'd like it more if she could see where she is and what's going on.
Personally I would try a dummy! U don't want to create a situation where u can't do anything! It's worth a try!
Thanks ladies ....... think I'll try both things and see how we get on.

Anyone else have the same problem, or am I the only poor sod with a baby who won't doze blissfully in her pram?
I would personally try a dummy but can understand why you wouldn't want too. Not after coping without for so long! Well done! It just seems a shame to restrict your self so much. X
im soo in the same boat!!

max HATES his pram unless hes asleep so yeah i struggle with shopping etc too!! i do use a dummy but he doesnt use it really unless hes tired.

so yep i need help with that too !!xxxx
Charlie loves the pram and loves being outside, he's so interested in everything that he won't nod off anymore unless he has been about 5 hours and exhausted, and even then will only have 20 mins. He has to be in his own bed with pitch black and white noise.

Take him into any shop though and he starts crying, typical man! X
Hmmm thinking about it Tyler was never hugely keen, but living on the first floor it was always easier for me to take him in his carseat. Have u got a travel system? Can you try that?

Both of mine love the pram. Can she see everything, is she sat up? Do you walk where there's trees and things? No harm starting a dummy this late in the game but not sure I'd bother.
Thanks ladies. Wed on't have a travel system, just carrycot then pushchair seat. Though she's not keen on her car seat either - taking her out in the car is not an option to settle her! We have to hold an 'ocean drum' above her head to keep her from crying!

Feel like she's in charge which is not a great state to be in at 3 months old! Ha ha! She's a happy little soul most of the time, but she does like to be held and is not great at settling herself, so when it comes to being in her pram, car seat or going to bed she likes to be held / fed. On the one hand I think, well she just likes cuddles and spending time with us, on the other I think we're on a bit of a sticky wicket and it's dictating how we spend our days!
Can you prop her up in the pram bit??? Maybe she wants a nose about Thomas never had a dummy but James does sometimes they need them and I can't stand dummies but sometimes you have to give in.......does she have a blanket she lives or something similar that she's use to that you could take with you??? X

Can you try a musical toy my lo used to love his musical toy it had lights too and kept him occupied for ages! What about wrist rattles or maybe propping baby at a slant so their not so flat?
Is it like motion sickness? Not sure if you can use on babies but how about those anti travel sickness bands?
I can't be much help but I'm going through exactly the same thing with Isaac. He used to go to sleep in the pram & not wake up but just in the last couple of weeks he won't sleep & just screams. He gets into a right state too & starts coughing & getting all hot & red. It's making life so hard! The other day I was shopping in Boots & ended up dumping everything by the tills and going home as couldn't face queuing to pay with him going so nuts! Meant to wait until 6 months before changing it into a push chair but not sure how im going to cope another 2 months!
I can't be much help but I'm going through exactly the same thing with Isaac. He used to go to sleep in the pram & not wake up but just in the last couple of weeks he won't sleep & just screams. He gets into a right state too & starts coughing & getting all hot & red. It's making life so hard! The other day I was shopping in Boots & ended up dumping everything by the tills and going home as couldn't face queuing to pay with him going so nuts! Meant to wait until 6 months before changing it into a push chair but not sure how im going to cope another 2 months!

This sounds exactly like my LO!!!! Right down to the shop - she often wakes up in Boots! I think it's the smooth floors!

I think I'm going to try her in the pushchair tomorrow with it laid flat - I don't think it will be as comfy for her when she's sleeping, but I'm hoping we'll get more peace and for longer.

I might also try a walk to the shop with her in her sling and see how she goes when I've got a pace on! Maybe she'd be more settled if I went out of the house with her in it.

Tinkerbell, thanks for the suggestion of the musical toy - anybody got any good tips as to which to get?
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I got the baby Einstein take along tunes I think it's called (got it in a set but you can buy it separately) or a little singing Alfie. Anything wih lights flashing made my lo fascinated! Even one of the pretend phones might work!

I always kept those toys specifically for out and about so he didn't get bored now he loves the apps on my iPhone! There are a few lullaby apps you can get and their free!
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I have moved harrison into his pushchair now (he can sit up unaided tho) and it has made all the difference!! He didnt hate his pram but got frustrated that he cudnt see so we tried him in his pushchair (recommended for 6 months) for a short walk and he loved it and fell asleep in the end so we use it all the time now!! Might be worth just trying it for short periods to see how you get on!!
The only thing thats worked for us is to put him forward facing, but hes only just been big enough this past wek. Its like a new baby he is so happy now he can see where hes going and makes cute excited noises.Might be a case of waiting it out. I know how you feel tho its been awful I dreaded going anywhere
I always kept those toys specifically for out and about so he didn't get bored now he loves the apps on my iPhone! There are a few lullaby apps you can get and their free!

we do this but for the car, there's toys we just have for the car no matter how much he loves them we save them for the car or else car journeys are hell!

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