

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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You lot are going to be contacting the mods to remove me soon - I can feel it in me waters :lol:

Right, yet another question...

I have got really bad heartburn as I type this, its so bad that I did actually wonder if it was a contraction :lol: I know I worry myself over little things but I have a couple of questions...

I can't drink Gaviscon anymore, it honestly makes me feel sick. I've just gagged and thought "stuff this, I'm not doing it anymore" I can't drink it! I really can't. Are the tablets any good? Is there anything nicer?

I've got a pain in the centre of my back like my organs are twisted. It's round my front as well like, at the bottom of my ribs and it's really uncomfortable - This IS heartburn isn't it? I'm only asking as Gaviscon doesn't seem to have worked :(

It could be heartburn but if it doesn't settle with gaviscon and its a severe pain I'd get it checked out.

As far as gaviscon goes, the tablets work fine, but not as quickly as the liquid. Gaviscon advance liquid is another option, its similar stuff but thicker so its still gross but you only need half the amount for it to work.

If your heartburn is really severe and you are getting through industrial amounts of gavison there is a tablet you can take that alters the amount of acid produced by the stomach and is safe in pregnancy. Its called ranitidine and its 1 tablet twice a day. It has drastically reduced the amount of disgusting gaviscon I have to drink.

Hope this helps and you're feeling better soon
you would know if it was a contraction hun! it does sound painful though :( maybe ring NHS direct if it gets unbearable. hope you feel better soon xxx :hug:
Thank you so much for your quick reply girls :hug:

LOL sorry my post was misleading! :oops: I didn't mean I think it's a contraction (that was more humour than anything), it was just so uncomfortable at one point that the thought entered my head but quickly left again! :lol:

I mean, is it actually heartburn or could it be something else like a growing pain or something because the gaviscon isn't working?

It's pretty uncomfortable but it's not agony or anything, I'll live :cheer: :hug:

I've never had heartburn before getting pregnant so I don't actually know if this is what it is! It is painful though and feels very uncomfortable though, back ache.

For me the tablets worked i forgot to take my bottle to work a few times and one of my work mates had the tablets they do act quickly on the heart burn :D ,and they do last for some time. ive tried the Rennes latley as ive ran out of my gasviscon and its rubbish only works for a fwe hours if that

so yes try the gaviscon tablets
hope they work for you :D heart burn is horrid :hug: :hug:

sarah :hug: :wave:
The tablets work, but if you dont like the mint gaviscon you wont like the tablets.

I'm not keen on either but i find the liquid you swallow then its gone and the taste leaves quite quickly, the tablets however you have to chew and then they get stuck in your teeth and stay there for ages.
Sounds like heartburn to me. Have you tried soda water? You can get it in most supermarkets. Its the only thing that works for me, it just tastes like fizzy water, not greatly pleasant but definetly worth trying. It has bicarbonate of soda in it which neutralises the acid that causes heartburn.
Ive heard you can put bicarbonate of soda (baking powder?) in a glass of water and make it this way but have never tried it myself. :hug:
I HATE the taste of the liquid but trust me i'm still managing to get through a quarter of the bottle a day, anything has to be better than heartburn.

If it is heartburn like mine which it sounds very much like, i havent found anything that gets rid of it for good, its always back within a hour or so. I just try and drink as much milk as i can so it's kept at ease a little during the day.
I found natural yoghurt before bed kept my heartburn at bay? Might be worth a try?

Hope you feel better soon hun :hug:
it is heartburn hun and sadly to say it gonna get worse i suffer alot from it but take gaviscon at night it should help and don't eat very late.
imaging our stomachs are getting squashed up our throats now. :rotfl:
Aww hun :hug:

I did have the Rennies chewiws at first, but now it's got worse I switched to the Rennies tablet which Ive found do work a lot better. And they just taste like mints.

Hope they work for you. :hug: xx

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