

Active Member
May 4, 2005
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Ok I am looking a little bit of help from you ladies who are pregnant.

I need some help to help me get pregnant. Has anyone got any tips that would make my chances more succesful like what position to do and is it important which position, what food to eat and not eat etc all those kind of things.

Your help will be appreciated!

Love Dee
i'm trying to get pregnant too. the reading that i have done says that putting a pillow under your hips whilst having sex and for a little while afterwards is helpful as it allows the sperm time to get through the cervix. position wise - i think it s got to be the missionary.
i think eating a healthy balanced diet is all the research suggests.

proffessionals also advise that you tale folic acid supplements whilst you are trying to conceive, until you are 12 weeks pregnant.

I posted this in another thread yesterday and hopefully it may help in some way

My main tip is to buy the "taking charge of your fertility" book mentioned in the TTC section.

I gave up the pill a year ago and used this book as a method of natural birth control for a year.

It teaches you everything you need to know about your body and is so much better than ovulation sticks.

A lot of people do still think that you have sex after your temperature goes up or just after you ovulate but at this point it is usually too late.

You have to have sex before this happens. An egg only lasts a few hours once it is released but sperm can live for up to five days, so you have to have the sperm inside your body before the egg comes out.

As you approach ovulation your body becomes more and more fertile, you start producing creamy fluid from your cervix and the cervix moves to a high up open position. this creamy fluid is what the sperm swim through to get to your egg.

If you would rather not read the book, my advice to you would be to wait four days after your period and then have sex every other day for about ten days. It is best not to do it every single day, just in case your man has a low sperm count. Doing it every other day will make the quality of it higher.

To cut a long story short, I conceived on my honeymoon in may, first time, using that book to tell me what the right time was.

Hope this helps somebody. The book is an absolute bible, and I doubt I will ever go back on the pill again now that I know how my body works.
Thanx for the advice I just lookd it up on the internet to buy and it has some great reviews!
Thanks I will get my credit card out! and look forward to reading it!

Dee xxx

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