
Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Iam so not happy at the moment as i was nodding off i got a sharp pain yes that's right toothache has just started and what makes it worse i have no pain relief what so im tired and in pain any comments to help ease it please comment below
Oh Hun :-( only just seen this but the same thing happened to me on Thursday and I went to dentist andgot temporary filling! I used a bonjela on my gums to help numb the pain a bit it did work! Hope this helps
Ooh Amanda, I've been up all night with this too!

Just phoned the dentist and they have no appointments all week.

I had a very very deep cavity temporarily filled 3 months ago with the intention of sorting it properly once baby was here. I've not been able to eat a thing on that side since because it's still too painful. Now a tooth on the other side has cracked so I can only eat soft fruit towards the front of my mouth. I grind my teeth at night when asleep and this is causing the intense pain. I'm really hoping the dentist will sort it out but worried they won't til baby comes. I can't be awake every night with this with due date approaching and then of course with a newborn! I'm hoping the dentist calls with a cancellation appointment today.

What are you going to do? X
Im needing to get my wisdom tooth removed but cant have it done til i have the baby and was told its ok to take co codomol (not sure of spelling) Im sure they have to be prescribed and cant be bought over counter but they are stronger than paracetamol and are safe to use when pregnant. You should maybe phone docotrs and ask for a prescription, they really do work for me when the pain kicks off as it is agony sometimes, especially at night and keeps me awake.
mine is just a sore tooth i fell asleep lastnight biyt 2-3am cos i was so tired
I've managed to get a cancellation at 5pm today. Any questions you want me to ask the dentist for you? X
Oh no ill be okay i think its because i had something cold last-night which sparked my tooth off but i just didn't have any pain relief hopefully my mum will remember and pick me some up just in-case x
Ooh ladies just here trying to take my mind of this horrendous pain I'm experiencing. I'd love to say it was contractions but this toothache is now making me cry. Managed to get an emergency appointment on Monday and he re-filled my tooth but it's just worse than ever now. I can't sleep, I feel sick and I've no painkillers. Contemplating going to 24hr Asda right now for Bonjela and paracetamol because I'm just pacing and nothing is helping.

Been reading online that toothache in pregnancy is stressful for baby. He or she is never going to want to come out at this rate and I'm so scared of going into labour because I'm just so tired and already in agony!

Rant over, typing helped take my mind off it a bit. Xxx
Hi Rayoflight, like i said if paracetomol are not working then either the dentist or doctor should be able to give you co-codomol. they really worked for me after the dentist tried to remove my wisdom tooth and couldnt so had to leave it til after ive had baby! She had burst my gum open and everything and i would have been in agony without the co-codomol. Im sure they are the strongest thing you can take when preggers.
I was in agony on Monday, was absolutely hysterical with the pain in my mouth! I had to get an emergency appointment at dentist which terrified me as always have to be sedated and knew wouldn't be able to cos of babba. But we were both suffering too much so I braved it for him. Had to have some of my tooth drilled then little spikey things put in gum to kill the nerve and then a temp filling. I'm still in pain now I don't think it'll go until I have it removed but at least its bearable now!! Always get things checked even if its a small pain cos it could turn into something horrific :(
co-codamol is the best thing they wont give it to pregnant women over th counter tho so might need to go see ur doc or dentist x

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