Help with possible PCOS?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Can anyonehelp me get my head around all of this please!! Ive been driving myself mad since my scan this morning. So the nurse ended up doing an internal scan which showed up that i could be borderline PCOS. Se said there are no cysts or anything but my ovaries have an appearance of PCOS. Ive made an appointment with the doctor for wednesday to talk to him about it. But can anyone give me any help or advice please xx
Hi nicky1987,

I have PCOS, and whilst i'm not ttc as i was one of the lucky ones whose fertility wasn't affected, i thought i would stop by and offer some support and advice (i used to run a forum with a friend that was dedicated to PCOS too)

How can i help?
Hey hun, thank you for your reply I dont really know much about PCOS to be honest. Im not sure what she means by borderline PCOS or the fact that i have no cysts but my ovaries have an appearance of PCOS (or something along those line) x
I'm not sure that you can technically be borderline PCOS, i yhink its case of you have it or you don't. But, it can be really tricky to diagnose. Usually its based on your symptoms, as not all women with it have cysts on their ovaries and hormones are tricky little buggers that can be correct sometimes and not others.

I had numerous blood tests over a few years, all which came back is perfect, and then one day, a student gp ran some and came back with a slightly abnormal result on one and rang and endocrinologist who suggested it might be and what other tests she could run to confirm. She ran them and concluded that i had it, i had a scan with a private gynae who said i had cysts on my ovaries and they are text book. I've since had more tests and scans, and they've said i have no cysts and my hormones are normal and therefore i can't possibly have it - well, you tell that the hair on my chin!!

PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome meaning, many cysts on the ovaries with other symptoms, but like i said you do not have to have cysts to have the syndrome. Usually, there's a slight elevation of testosterone flowing through your system, which causes your body to have these wonderful symptoms and cyst growth. Its possible that you have other dodgy hormones too.

Symptons can include:
Male pattern baldness (i.e. receding hairline or thinning)
hairness where women don't normally get hair, such as chin
erratic/absent periods
weight gain and difficulty losing weight - usually due to insulin resistance

Having PCOS does NOT automatically mean that you won't be able to have children, some people do others do not, i fell very quickly despite having irregular periods but a friend of mine took 14 years to fall pregnant, another has never fallen pregnant.

There is no cure for PCOS, which sucks, but there are things you can do to help the symptoms and even get rid of them completely. There are creams for excess hair, creams and tablets for acne, and they say that a low Gi diet is really good for women with PCOS to lose or maintain their weight. I've found that the bigger i get, the worse my symptoms are, so for me, my PCOS clearly affects my weight, or maybe my weight affects my PCOS, its a vicious cycle. Someone once mentioned to me that taking Evening Primrose or Starflower supplements would help to regulate my cycle, now i'm not one for taking meds and thought it was a load of old codswallop but given that my cycle was becoming more erratic, i decided i'd try it, within a few weeks of taking Starflower supplements, they started to regulate and i had a 28 day cycle for the first time in years!
When I had my internal the doctor said something similar, that one of my ovaries had the appearance of PCOS and I told her that I had the blood tests for that and all sorts of hormones and they came back clear and she said that was fine then I didn't act have it. I asked the consultant when I went back to see him and he said all my tests were fine, so I'm not sure it is something to be too worried about, but do ask your doc. I've never had any of the symptoms of it, although my skin has been worse (although not that bad) since I stopped the Pill.
My pcos never became apparent or a problem until my periods went missing and i felt really funny in myself ! Then i just couldnt concieve a baby month after month of trying , my skin under my jaw line broke out in spots moer like sore lumps that i remember having when i was pg! and hair started to grow and get darker on my belly around my breasts and my top lip! not as bad as some women though! You can have cysts on the ovaries and large bulky ovaries without any other symptoms present and then you are not classed as having PCOS you just have ovaries showing the signs of being polycystic not the syndrome *( if that makes sense) to have the syndrome you need to have some or all of the other symptoms! Both my ovaries are bulky and full of cysts and i have bouts of amenorreah and fertility problems! long cycles etc . You shouldnt worry . The only thing i would recommend is to watch your diet being overweight increases the symptoms, your cycles tend to be more 'normal' at the correct weight for you and many overweight women need to bring their weight down to ovulate! My cycles were none existent when i was overweight now they seem to be longer but not missing ,

Best of luck atthe doctors x x
Thanks girls thats a really big help!!! I need to lose about 3 stone to be my normal weight so have decided as of tomorrow my diet is changing and im going to eat a lot healthier and ecercise a lot more!! I dont have hair growth where it shouldnt be or acne. ive had a few spots but thats about it. (so far fingers crossed!!) I feel a lot more positive about it all now ive heard from you girls then i did yesterday. I'll have a good chat with the doctor on wednesday and see what he says xxx
Hi nicky1987,
How's it going with your borderline PCO?
I have been told exactly same stuff regarding one of my ovary and have similar (or hardly any) symptoms as you, I'm wondering what your results were after the tests and have you been able to conceive?
i have PCOS on both ovaries.

All bloods were fine.But scans showed it up.

Ive got 3 kids (inc a set of non identical twins),it does mean fertility issues for some,but not everyone has the fertility issues that are one of the traits of PCOS.

Only advice i would give is you can learn a lot from the internet and i would arm yourself with a list of questions in advance of seeing your dr and dont let them fob you off!

If you are ttc,id definately mention that to the dr and tell him/her any worries and anxieties you might feel and find out what their protocol is for a woman with PCOS ttc (time frame they tend to give for natural conception etc).

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