Help with our first thoughts please.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi girls. OH and I have seriously started to toss about names now. For a boy Michael (Mikey) Jack was the fav for ages but I think I might be going off it what do you lot think. I really want Jack to be the middle name as it was my grandads name.

For a girl the only name at the moment that we both like is Emily but I was really hoping for something a bit more unusual (not rare or quirky necessarily but not top10 names esp as our surname is really really common). Thought maybe Amilie would work what do you think? Also I like Mya / Mia but OH isn't too keen, although might let me have them as middle name. He wants Rose as a middle name which seems to work with most names.

Advice and honest opinions please....
I like Michael :-)

Not to sure on the girls names but only because you said you didnt want top ten.. I think all those you picked are quite high up in popularity xxx

Thanks Lou, that was the problem we were having. Michael is not exactly unusual (I know it is really common in america and ireland but I think it is just about unpopular enough here to get away with). I just don't want someone else in the school to have exactly the same name (I mean same first and surname which would be possible if we go for something too common).
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Yeah I thought the same as you with the name Michael, it might not be unusual and uncommon to us but I'll bet you nobody else has the name Michael in school if you have a boy! My mum was calling me Michael until she realised she popped out a girl haha! So I have a biased opinion :P

I think girls names are very hard but I can give you a pretty name idea your OH may like if he wants Rose as a middle name and this name was an all time fave of mine ..

Rosealee or Rosalee , either spelling really x

It is really pretty Lou but unfortunately it is my mum's name and I love my mum but I don't want to call my LO after her (that is also why I am less keen on Rose as that is what she is called by everyone but I don't mind as a middle name and I'm sure she would be pleased). Thanks for the suggestion though. Keep them coming.
We have both Mya and Amilie on our list too! Jack is my OHs name but I do like it. I like Michael, my daughter is called Michaela (her dads name is Michael so kind of why we picked it) and she's been the only one all the way through school so far!
Haha wow the odds on that Ey!!!

Hmmm I will copy a few from my list of names for you..


Rose goes quite well with everyone of those x

Great list Lou, I really like Molly and Holly (esp as it will be a winter baby) but again OH not so keen. We must have similar taste Sarah. I have never met a Mya or even seen one or tv etc. but I guess it must be gaining popularity.
Mya is a lovely name .. I think sometimes you should ignore the popularity list and go with what you like :)

I Love Mikey. It reminds me of 'Look who's talking' very cute!

How about Esmee for a girl? That was one of our choices, also so was Gracie-Mai x
Thanks I'm falling back in love with michael I think. They are both pretty girls names stacey.
I must sound like a broken record but how about Brenna Rose? It goes so nicely, and not in the top 10!

Really like the name Michael :)
My top girls name is Reyna or Reina which ever you prefer think it goes nice with rose :-) other girls names i have are Kellie and Lauren too shattered too pull out my full list hehehe

Love Mikey reminds me of look whos talking too lol Liam is my boys name
Oh and Shea is our oher fav for a girl

Sorry there all prob way too Irish for ya espesh to go with Rose but just trowin them out there
My mum would love me to pick an irish name (mum and dad are both irish) my borther was meant to be Roisin if he wan't a boy. I just find in England people can't spell or pronounce most irish names and I don't want my poor LO to have to constantly correct people. I would consider an irish middle name though.
My mum would love me to pick an irish name (mum and dad are both irish) my borther was meant to be Roisin if he wan't a boy. I just find in England people can't spell or pronounce most irish names and I don't want my poor LO to have to constantly correct people. I would consider an irish middle name though.

Oh I hear ya, Im livin in d UK at d mo and no one can get my surname Byrne which is pronounced like burn, everyone says it like biron or Brian or something silly lol propper anoys me

Still think Mikey is so cute though
I think Amilie/Amelie is lovely and isn't too dissimilar to Emily if you like the sound of that. A friend of mine called her LO Evie-Rose which is lovely.
You're right about Michael and that there won't be many at school as it's decreased in popularity since we were younger. It's the same with names like Matthew, Andrew, Steven, David, Peter etc. Mikey is really cute though!

Hey Mustard, how about Millie instead of Emily? Or Emilia? xx
What about Michaela for a girl ? bet that's unusual nowadays
Or Emile pronounced Em eel

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