Help with my blasted surname


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Hubby and I are expecting a boy but really really struggling with names, can anyone help our surname is Ledder and everything we come up with one of us disagrees please help:eh:
Yep been through those and we don't agree, so far hubby like Dominic I am not too keen I like Harry, George, Daniel, Matthew and Oliver.
Oooh my favorite from your names are Dominic and George, you like lovely traditional classic names X
Matthew Ledder ....... great sounding name. Imagine it being one of a footballer or ruby player :-)
I like Matthew too but I also like Daniel Ledder (has a flow to it) x
i had chosen harry alexander so obv i love harry lol

i take it yous like oldish names?? xx
Yeah I seem to love the traditional names but hubby wants something strong an a little different and all the ones I like he says he knows people with that name I know we have plenty of time but its really getting on my nerves that we just cannot agree!!
We've picked Harry if we ever have a Son so Harry's my favourite!

You sirname is absolutly fine! I've been working with kids for almost 11 years and you should hear some of the sirnames i've come across: Rump, Blower and Gass to name a few but there are hundreds more! lol

My Sister's getting married in less than 2 weeks and her new name will be Mrs Woodcock!! hahaha

I really like first names when they match with the surname by starting with the same letter. Does that make sense?! So Ledder could go well with Luke, Lewis, Leo, etc. My favourite boy name is Max - good job my surname begins with an M!

I'm trying to remind myself that names are always shortened too, so the nickname must also match..

Isn't it hard? and such a responsibillty too because they will always be stuck with it, even if it becomes really unfashionable.
Very true I just hope we find something to agree on!! Or poor old son will be nameless
well we have agreed on a name Alex!! Just deciding on middle name now just hope he suits it!
lililie im with you this one!! i also like the first name to be first letter of second i did this with my first born and i will do it again if i can think of the rite name haha! thought it was only me that did haha
How about Charles / Charlie? Goes v well with Ledder

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