help with bum (tmi)


Oct 31, 2013
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I am 5 weeks postpartum and seem to be going backwards. I had a 3rd degree tear which went back towards my bum and I only started feeling on the mend about a week ago but now my bum and perineum are starting to sting again. My bum is also painfully itchy! I did have grape sized haemorrhoids which are shrinking but can't figure out if its the stitches or haemorrhoids making me itch. I tried to take a look the other day and my bum is red raw! There's also some discharge but I can't see if its from the stitches or haemorrhoids. I'm in the middle of switching doctors as I've moved so can't get in for a while. Has anyone else had this?
Can you see the wound when you look? Does it look like it has healed? I had an episiotomy when I had my LO 9 weeks ago, it did get quite itchy as it was healing & I was quite red & sore which the midwife actually put down to the stitches being quite tight & pulling. The midwife also said the pads I was wearing may be contributing to the redness. I thought I was getting a discharge too so they did a swab but its actually normal to have a yellowy discharge once your bleeding stops as this is something that comes out of your uterus. But its best to get checked out if you do have a discharge as this can be a sign off infection.

I've since has my stitches taken out and although it is significantly better I'm still frequently sore & achey down there.

Hope this has helped you a little but if I were you I would get yourself registered with the new doctors so you can get a medical opinion x

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