help think i have shingles *with pic*


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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i think i may have shingles i have about 12 raised spots clustered together on the side of my belly and a few starting on the other side it is really red and itchy it looks almost like blisters. i have the drs at 5pm but i am shi**ing myself does anyone have any other ideas what it could be and if it is shingles what the outcome would be for my baby.

:x :x why bloody now :x :x
I had about 8 spots on my neck, boobs, side of the face and they went down in about a week. Apparently spots came from no where but are usual in pregnancy. Can you ring your docs and go straight in? Good luck though....I hope it is nothing. :hug:
Oh no, this is stress you don't need! :hug:

My friend had it last year and he was quite ill with it, really fluey and achey - is the rash the only symptom?

I had a light rash on my belly at about 3 - 4 weeks - pregnancy can bring on weird skin changes xxxx
no they cant see my until 5pm and its the worst dr in the whole of the surgery :x

i dont know about other symptoms as they could be mixed up with pregnancy symptoms, headache, tired, thirsty
i will try and post a pic to see what yous think, i really hope its nothing :pray:
here is the pic, excuse my bloat

I'm no expert but it doesn't look like what my friend had - his were little pimply type very raised spots in a cluster, some with white heads - looked like you could pick them. Yours look flat?
Its possibly not shingles, but my mum had shingles when she was pregnant with my brother and it didn't effect her pregnancy or have any effects on him after he was born.

do you know how many weeks she was, im just really worried as i am at the crutial time when things are developing
They look like a lot if bites to me.
:shock: :puke:
actually i was at my friends house on friday and she has 2 cats but they are kept in the house :think:
Could be a rash from that then? Or an allergic reaction maybe because our skin does change during pregnancy. Did you use any new washing powder or new products on your skin?
Urchin had shingles quite early on in her pregnancy, I'm sure she'd be happy to chat to you about it.

Try not to worry, good luck at the Dr's, am sure they will sort you out.
babydust said:
:shock: :puke:
actually i was at my friends house on friday and she has 2 cats but they are kept in the house :think:

Cats can still get fleas and things even when they are house cats, mine do.
I had shingles when I was little, and my grandfather had them a few times, as well as a few patients I saw. They didn't look like that. When a new cluster formed, it was almost always completely in line with the previous, until it formed a belt. It is difficult to tell from the photo, but it does look more like an allergic reaction to me. Good luck!

Oh and about the cats, maybe you are developing an allergy to them? It is pretty common to develop new allergies when you are pregnant due to all of the hormone changes.

Sorry, one more thing! I just checked my medical book and it says shingles aren't harmful to an unborn child, but that you can pass the virus on as chicken pox, which is! So avoid other pregnant women if it does turn out to be that.
Hiya i had shingles last yr on my wrist of all places, i went to the docs about it anyway ive got a pic of them for u too compare its not very big though sorry.
It dosent look like shingles to me...looks more like an allergy to flea bites, my cats are indoor cats, and they still got fleas....I would reckon that what it is anyway, or an allergy of some sort...

Let us know whta the doc says...
:cry: back from the drs i do have shingles, the camera never picked it up that well there are about 12 small blisters in the red bits of skin.

i am not alt all happy with that dr, he looked it up on the internet and said the baby will be fine and that he wouldnt give me any medication as it could be worse for baby.

i am feeling really sorry for myself now i think i will phone the maternity hospital and see what they say as if the baby will be fine i can deal with shingles, i read on another post about white blood cells causing m/c does anyone know if shingles cause increased white blood cells.
Oh it is shingles!

Yeah, I would give your maternity unit a phone and see what they say...Hugs to you hun :hug:
Aww babydust poor you :hug:

I've found a few links which indicate that is isn't harmful for your baby here


What are the consequences of developing shingles in pregnancy?
The fetus is not at risk. Any mother who develops shingles in pregnancy would have had chicken-pox in the past. This means she is carrying protective antibodies in her circulation, and these are continually passed to the growing fetus, which is thus protected.
from here

The risk from shingles appears to be from an increased risk of pneumonia - so keep yourself warm :wink: :D
i phoned the maternity and i have to go over there just now to get my bloods done

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