
Omg!! Your oh should really Get a hold of himself! He really needs to help u more! You should take him to your gp so he could explain to him that you need to rest and that he must help you out more, with EVERYTHING! my oh wasn't any good doing stuff in the house before but now he realized that he has to because it's all too much for me! We also got a girl cleaning our flat once a week, as oh hates to clean and would Esther pay for someone to do it for him!

About the baby who wont settle, my baby girl is the same, and my mother told me the same as your mother. Than we spent some nights at their place and my little girl started crying. I looked at my mother and said: "Would you leave her crying?" than she admited that she had been a bit hard on me.

Hope it sorts out for u hun!!!

Bloomin mothers!!!! We are off to visit mine later and I'm sure she'll have an opinion on everything like she normally does :roll: whereas as my sister is the best mother in the world. Wish we lived nearer chick cos we could leave the boys with their dads and go out and get horribly drunk :hug: xxxxxxxxx

OMG I really wish we did to hun. I can almost hear the bacardi bottle calling out my name. lol
Thanks ladies after being up since 2pm I woke him at 6am to ask if he would do the morning feed. I ended up doing it cos he couldn't wake up!!! By the time babe had finished his feed I was ready to tell him a few home truths which I did!! I also told him that I felt like a single parent at the moment ( I know how that feels first hand!) so if he didn't buck up his ideas then he may as well move out and I shall be a single parent again. Then I would have one less person to run around after. I do love and don't want that but was hoping the shock may work.
He looked shocked as I didn't cry or shout just spoke very calmly, that always scares him!!!! Lets see how we go.

thanks ladies for the support I'd go nuts without you all. xxxx
Your baby is 4 weeks old? And your mum is saying he's having temper tantrums? OMG :shock: Am shocked!

Babies cry because it's their only form of communication.

We never left Oz to cry, and don't know (unless it is a tantrum - which at 1 years old he does have now lol) but when he is distressed or trying to tell us something we work it out. It is frustrating, a baby crying is the loudest sound on earth I swear.

I just can't believe that someone would think a 4 week old could have temper tantrums, it's crazy to think they have that kind of concsious thinking!

Hold your baby hun and make him feel better, they aren't babies for long! It goes very quick. You can't emotionally spoil a child, but restricting their emotional needs is more likely to lead to emotional problems later in life!

We always held Oscar, constantly and now he is a very confident, happy little boy. He loves having cuddles and the cuddle with your own child is the BEST! Esp when they come to you for cuddles.

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