Help please! What can I take?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Hi everyone,
I have woken up today with a really sore throat and a head ache, its not an infection or anything I dont think, just a cold but my throat is killing. I havent got a clue what I can and cant take for it so can anyone tell me please?
During pregnancy the only medication you can take (without seeing a GP) is paracetamol. Take it in disolvable form if your throat is sore. You could try gargling with salted water too (or TCP), that sometimes helps. Warm drinks....I don't know about things like lockets/tunes etc but if your still sore I'd see a GP to be honest, not worth the risk of taking things when preg.
You can make yourself a drink of honey & lemon, which I find usually soothes a sore throat.

Put one tablespoon of runny honey with two teaspoons of lemon juice in a mug and fill with hot water. Stir it up and there you have your drink.
i think u can only take paracetamol hun (rubbishamol i call them!) hope u feel better soon :hug:
trixipaws said:
i think u can only take paracetamol hun (rubbishamol i call them!) quote]

Rubbishamol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Completely agree....I'll have to remember that one!
thanks guys. I have gargled with salt water, been drinking loads and taken rubbishamol too!! Havent got any honey in the house and feel too poop to go and get any and my other half is away until Wednesday night on business so Im feeling very lonely and sorry for myself! If I am no better by tomorrow I will go see the doc and hopefully they will be able to give me sommat.

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