what can i do for a sore throat


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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i have a very bad sore throat i know we cant take cold and flu stuff but my throat is so sore what can i do for it ?
Have you tried gargling some salt water? I know it tastes horrible :puke: but has worked for me in the past! x
If you have some dilute orange or alike make it with hot water... my Nanna used to make me that when I was little and it always worked for me! this time tho with been pregnant I couldnt cause the thought was making me gag :puke: xxx
Paracetamol is safe to take maybe crush them into a hot drink so see if it sooths while you drink, its horrid when you cant take the normal things. :hug:
I woke up with one today and earache. i think it's going round.
hello,sorry to hear you have a sore throat too,im full of cold and am off work with it at the moment,i saw my gp today who advised me to take paracetamol and gave me some medicine for it,he also said the lozenzes in shops are safe ( i got halls and fishermans friends)
they ease it abit as its so dry.
hope you soon feel better,it does seem to be going around,i guess we are suscepable to them as our immune system is lower to allow for bubs.
this may sound stupidly silly but try some cheap mouthwash just garggle, it it will probably sting like hell but it seems to either numb the pain or get rid of a few of the bugs for a bit. i suffer from terrible sore throats when i get a cold/cough/anything it seems to be the first bit of my imune system to get ill.

also try wearing a scalf ... yeah you may look silly but if youre indoors it doesnt matter and it helps make it feel better

hope you feel better soon :hug:
I get tonsilitis all the time that sometimes they don't even bother giving me antibiotics because it usually clears up on it's own. The secret is....... *drum roll*

.....sucking on sugar free hard boiled sweets/lollies! Saliva has natural antibodies in and is the fastest healer, sucking sweets produces more saliva, soothes your sore throught and repairs it at the same time!
1- try salt and water to gargle as mentioned above.
2- secret recepie :shhh: ( hot water with 1 tbs honey and half a lemon squeeze) I know it taste horrible but it works!
3- u can have honey by it self (first thing in the morning and last at night)

hope u feel better soon
As per last 2 girls said, hot water, honey lemon - swear by it. My grandma's old recipe. Hope you feel better soon
I don't think paracetamol is recommended if you are under 12 weeks. Have you tried honey, glycerin & lemon? It's vile but it works! Or you can get Difflam spray or mouthwash which has a local anaesthetic in it & it's good too.
Paracetamol is safe throughout pregnancy, its about the only thing that is.

I copyed this from a website:

Paracetamol is generally regarded as safe for short-term use in all three trimesters. It is widely used in all stages of pregnancy for pain relief and reducing fever.

Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are not recommended during pregnancy, as there are safer alternatives available. They should particularly be avoided in the last trimester, because they can delay labour, increase the length of labour and cause complications in the newborn baby. Painkilling doses of aspirin can also increase the risk of bleeding in the mother and baby if taken in the third trimester. Evidence suggests these medicines should also be avoided in the first trimester and by women attempting to conceive, as they may increase the risk of miscarriage or malformations.

Codeine and dihydrocodeine can affect the baby's breathing if taken in the last trimester, or during labour in large amounts. Heavy use may also cause a withdrawal syndrome in the newborn infant. However, small doses for a short period of time to treat specific pain can be taken in the first and second trimesters, but only on the advice of a doctor. Be aware that some over-the-counter painkillers contain codeine or dihydrocodeine. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicines during pregnancy.
My doctor said to take paracetamol when I was ill - no problem. When I had a sore throat I gargled with soluble paracetamol and salt (not together!) and drank lots of honey and lemon.
Oo gosh I was sick (with colds and flus) every week with my 1st PG as my immune system suppressed itself so much.

I just took paracetamol and lots of honey and lemon.
clucky77 said:
Oo gosh I was sick (with colds and flus) every week with my 1st PG as my immune system suppressed itself so much.

I just took paracetamol and lots of honey and lemon.

oww we are due exactly the same day...do you want to be buddies ?

ohh and thanks ladies..had some honey and lemon last night and it helped so so much so so big big thanks to you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
These tips have been fab ladies....ive got a cough now and im sure its going to be followed by a sore throat and cold :( :( :(

Only thing that works for me when I have a sore throat is paracetamol...I get bad throats quite regulary and they are hell, I always feel really sick when I have one too. Nice!

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