Help please, he just wont stop


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi ladies, I am looking for advice, please help as I am losing sanity.

Anton will not be put down, he starts screaming straight away. That is on top of that he wont sleep anywhere but on me. I dont think I can go on like this much longer. I sometimes cant even have a shower not even talking about proper food.

Have to leave him screaming to get something to eat and drink.

I tried putting him down when he is asleep, at best he stays asleep for 5 minutes or so before waking up, even if he is swaddled.

He used to sleep in his pram but now starts screaming too, I tries babybjorn around the house but after the novelty has worn off (about 5 mins) he started screaming again

I will do anything to make him sleep separately.

Or at least tell me they grow out of it by the time they are 4 weeks old or something.
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Is there any chance he has reflux if he starts screaming as soon as you lie him down? It might be worth having a chat to your doctor just in case :hug: x
Also try wrapping him up tight and laying him slightly on his side (like having cuddles) or put a blanket under the top of his mattress to prop him up a bit.. These were the only ways I could get my girls to sleep.. I hope he's sleeping better for you by now :hug:
Try a swing. Charley used to scream every time I put him down, as soon as I got a swing he completely stopped x.
A swing was a life saver for us and a mum here adviced us..I really wish I had purchased it earlier..My son is going to be 1 soon and it is still helping us
i warmed em's moses up with a microwavable hottie, put a muslin with my milk on it and perserved everytime she feel asleep. i also put the basket at a tilt in case it was reflux

it did work. keep trying!!
How are you getting on now? I swaddle Ryan really tightly so he can't wriggle around then rock him around the house till he falls asleep then put him in his crib. It can take forever some nights but it works in the end, big hugs, you must be at your wits end.
I have givenin and ordered a sling. At the moment he sleeps with us because its easier. We are slowly spending more and more time in moses basket but not sleeping at night in it.

I am thinking of getting a swing and also seeing gp to see if its reflux.

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