help newbie needing advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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ok hello to everyone and I need some advice,I am already mum to 2 boys so am not that new to all this,but here goes,me and my husband had sex the day after my period,I thought I had a 28 day cycle but turns out my last cycle was 26,I also thought I ovulated at the weekend but now doubting that as well,well on thursday I had light brown bleeding which looked like a implantation bleed but not sure as only ever had 1 of these before,and for the last few days having bad cramps and some back pain,has anyone else got pregnant the day after their period?did a test this morning and it was negative but guess its to early to tell as it was just last monday we had sex lol,but really think I am and how much do you trust your intuition in these things,advice needed
i guess if your cycles are irregular it's possible that you could become preg straight after period.. i'm not sure how common it is though. I'd wait a little while longer before you test again, it really would be so much easier if someone would just invent something that could tell you straight away! all this waiting around is so frustrating!
it's not uncalled for to get pregnant that early in a cycle but i wouldn't know for sure only tme will tell i suppose :hug: good luck and i'm sure someone will come in a min with a better answer than me :D
thanks girls am just so impatient and its driving me mad,I really really think I am and if I am not than I will be shocked lol,
honeymummy said:
thanks girls am just so impatient and its driving me mad,I really really think I am and if I am not than I will be shocked lol,
that's like what i said :D
might sound a silly question but are you sure it was definitly a period you had?

maybe wait til end of this week and do a test if you still think you may be PG good luck :hug:
Good Luck Hun, I don't think its impossible for you to concieve so soon after a period. Hope you get the result you want :hug:
just ordered some early pregnanct tests online took one this morning and there was a very very very faint positive but think I need to retry as it wasnt good enough
it might be worth getting a brand preg test as i used ebay cheapies and they were really faint lines :D
Was that with a branded pregnancy test????

Hope you get your super strong bfp soon hunny :pray:
ohhh congrats :cheer: you'll find over time the tests will get stronger
did another this morning and it was negative not sure what to think now
Its still quite try again tomorrow with early morning urine, or give it a couple of days and get a branded pregnancy test?
honeymummy said:
did another today and there was another very very faint line,
your a very naughty girl
ohhh its good tho a faint line can you see it on a pic? :dance:

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