HELP need advice

i woudlnt go on the pill if i were you either. plan to make better eating choices, exercise and reasearch AC for reducing your cycles. as your cyles are not regular i would defintely recomend a cbfm or chartig to see if you are ovulating. what test have you had done so far?
i was just guessing when i ovulated tbh as i got pains and alot of cm.
i really dont know where to start
i need to lose about 6 stone to be a healthy 10 stone.
i am just worried about going on the pill she says its to make me regular but the pill doesnt always do that. the gyno basically said he can do a scan but whatever he finds he can do nothing for me other than refer me to the fertlity clinic.

i feel lost i dont no what to think

I'm not been funny but dose the pill not make some women put on weight??? It's a long long time since I was on it (20yrs) I've never had weight issues, I'm just one of the lucky ones who can loose weight if i want to but unlucky can't concive.
I don't think I would go on it, I've endmertisois and my GP wanted me to take it to help I said no he listened to my reasons and I had the marina coil put in for a year to help with the heavey bleeding & pain intil our wedding was over, we got married abroad and the last thing I wanted was pain and heavy bleeding, we where going away for 6 weeks, it was worth having it done. The marina dose not stop ovulating so thats why my GP & Gyne choose the coil as I wanted to start back ttc as soon as we got home.

It's a big decision for you, would you not go back and discuss it with him again? Or get a second opioin if your really unhappy?
As the other girls have said your young and you have age on your side, I know girls who where over weight and went through hell while pregnant so maybe really think about it and discuss other options.

Good luck & chip up
i dont want to see that gyn again so insensitive, i am not going to take the pill i am going to lose weight and take it from there. like yo have al said i have time on my side and im going to take a fair few months to buy everything i need to track my cycles thankyou for all your help
That's great, Natty, I think you've made the right choice about the pill and focusing on your eating.

Try to be kind to yourself when tackling the weight issue. I personally would not go on a very low calorie or restricted diet but instead try to understand why you overeat and try to learn how to listen to your body and eat to your hunger. I recommend the book 'Beyond Chocolate' and anything by Geneen Roth.

Good luck hun, you'll get there and you have lots of time xxxx

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