help me im clueless!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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I went to see my midwife two weeks ago when i was 29 weeks and my stomach was measuring 33cm, so i got another appointment for wednesday just gone and my stomach was 35 cm. Im well above the curve on my chart in the antenatal notes from when i was having Taylor. Apparantly when you have two measurements above your ment to go for a growth scan, well my midwife said "im not going to send you for a scan its pointless, its not like they can stop your baby growing!" So ive just sort of left it like that!
Im just wondering has anyone had to go for a growth scan because their baby is big and if so what do they do? My friend reckons if it gets to big they induce you, but i cant see that myself!
Thanks x x :hug:
Hun if your worried then ask to speak to someone else, its your baby :hug: .
What other tests has been done?
know other tests have been done, it does say after two high chart measurements that you automatically get sent for a scan! x
I had the opposite problem to you..........I was measuring 2 cms too small for a few weeks, and was told this is quite normal - I have also read that 2-3 cms too big, or too small is no reason for concern at all. It was only when I was measuring 4-5cms too small that I was sent for a scan - and actually my baby was the perfect size, and not too small at all!

Personally I think fundal measurements are very inaccurate and I know there are many on here that will agree with me - yes they can be used as a rough estimate, but not as an accurate way to measure the babies size!!

I really wouldnt worry at all, if your MW was at all concerned you would be sent straight for a scan!

All that said if its causing you concern you need to speak to her and explain that you are worried!
I only measured big once (was 2 weeks ahead)a nd was sent for a growth scan, they took measurements of the baby who was measuring 3-4 weeks ahead so I was sent for a GTT test. That has come back negative and I had to have another growth scan this week to see if the growth had slowed down, I think it might have but its on the 97th percentile so I have to see the consultant on Monday to review it.
If its bothering you I would ring them and tell them that you are not happy and concerned about the baby's size and request a growth scan, the worst they can say is no

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