Help - I'm Scared!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Wondered if anyone else has been in the same situation. Yesterday lunchtime i passed a large amount of blood, i didn't have any pain or warning that this was going to happen although i hadn't felt that great the night before (Also i haven't had any bleeding after). I rang my local maternity unit who told me to cal EPU in the next town, they said that i couldn't go straight to them and had to go to my doctors....arrrrgh. By this time i was panicing, my doctors don't open to 3.30pm so there was nothing i could do. I saw a doctor who felt my tummy and rang the hospital but they wont give me a scan until Thursday, thats nearly 48hours later to find out if i've had a miscarrage or not, i'm so upset that they can keep you waiting for what seems to be eternity. I even tried going through A+E this morning at 4am but still couldnt get it done earlier as they had no beds to admit me to.

Sorry for the long post but i'm going out my mind, this is the longest 48 hours of my life
try to relax. i know how hard it is when you have bleeding in pregnancy.

with my son i had a lot of bleeding, and it turned out i did mc his twin.

just try to think positive and enjoy the time you have with bubs. If, and it's a big if, that it is a mc, enjoy the time you have now without worries.

Lots of people have bleeding in early pregnancy and eveything turns out alright
Ditto what Star has said. That you are not continuing bleeding is a good sign. Nor are you in pain. Try to keep positive about things :hug: :hug:

With regards to the EPU, I know 48 hours seems like a long time, but please remember they are an emergency unit, and see people at short notice, but even then, sometimes its a couple of days till they have a place and can see you. Many other women are referred to the unit from all over an area. Bear with them, as they are doing an important job for women and cannot help that their places are limited each day. Only so many people to staff it and scan and so on. When I was referred to them I had to wait 36 hours. In the end I opted to not be scanned by the EPU and all turned out well.

A&E often refer on to the EPU anyways, as often they don't have sonogrpahers for scanning of babies early on.
Cheers, i dont normally jump up and down but its taken us 12 years to get this far and i just really want to know if everythings ok or not. I know its only tomorrow but keepin my chin up at the moment is very hard.
:hug: :hug:

As the others have said the fact that you're not still bleeding and have no pain are good signs hun. I know how hard it is but try to keep positive and be good to yourself :hug:

I bled at 6 weeks (and several times since, but those are not relevant to you at the moment). I had a full scale panic and rushed to the doctors. They took blood and told me to call for the results in 4 working days. But that was 6 days because of the weekend. :shock:

I never did call for the results - I continued to feel rubbish - sore breasts, really tired, nauseaous - so I knew I was still pregnant. I know the idea that you have to wait for the scan is awful :hug: :hug: If you have any pregnancy symptoms take comfort from them. Equally, if you don't, don't panic. The absence of symptoms doesn't mean anything.
:hug: :hug: I know it is easy to say try not to panic but there are positives to consider. You have not had any pain and the bleeding has stopped. From what I have expereinced and what I have read from other people it is often very different for each people. In October I had a MC at six weeks, lots of blood and really bad cramps as soon as the bleeding started. I am now pg again and at Christmas had two epsiodes of heavy bleeding three days a part the second days bleeding was accompanied with a lot of pain. However, I was scanned after the first days bleeding and everything was ok, and I was scanned a week after the second bleed and actually saw my little beans heart beat. I am now nearly 12 weeks and all is going well. Bleeding does happen. I was absolutly convinced after the second bleed that all was lost. Please try and be positive. I hope the next 48 hours speeds by and you are given good news :hug: :pray: :pray:
Im so sorry they are taking forever to scan you hon, i wish you all the best for your scan and agree with the other ladies, bleeding is quite normal.


Try not to panic. I bled at 8 weeks also for no reason. Like you there was nothing bfore it and nothing after other than darker discharge. I posted on here and got lots of responses from girls who had experienced a similar thing around the same time. Hope the scan goes well tomorrow. Stay positive. xxx :hug:
Thanks alot for your replies, it means alot. I'm trying to keep positive and to make the time go faster i've been trying to sleep it away. I dont have any pregnancy symptons anymore but hoping that our little shrimp is holding on, just as much as last week when we had our first scan. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi Jollypops,

I'm no doctor, but have been reading my "What To Expect When You're Expecting" book and when I read your post I ran upstairs to get it because I wanted to post a section from the "Possible Signs of Miscarriage" section;

- When you experience bleeding with cramps or pain in the centre of your abdomen.
- When pain is severe or continues unabated for more than one day, even if it isn't accompanied by bleeding or staining.
- When bleeding is as heavy as a menstrual period for more than three days.

- Mild cramps, achiness, or a pulling sensation occurs.
- Bleeding around the time of what would be a normal period for you.
- Bleeding (for less than three days) when it is not accompanied by pain.

Hope that helps? Good luck hun, thinking of you! xx
Hi guys,
Just got back from the hospital and :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
our little shrimp is still there and has grown twice the size since last thursday!!!!
I'm soooooo happpppppppy
Thanks for all your support.

Dannii - Your book seems worth a read!
Wahey!! :cheer:

That's fantastic news!!

It is a brilliant book, my colleague gave it to me! It has everything in there so I will try to use it when anyone posts any worries if it can help :D

I'm so so so happy for you though, you must be feeling on top of the world right now!

Aaaah thats fab news hunny, glad everything went ok! "What to Expect when your expecting" book is defo worth getting, I got mine from waterstones for about £15 and its well worth it. It tells you whats happening each month and its a really good book! xxxx
Dannii - I'm so over the moon you wouldn't believe.
This might be TMI so sorry in advance, i knew that you can bleed but to be honest i just thought it would be like having a period. I was working and everything wasy going fine, sat down and was eating lunch and thought i feel abit hot down there :think: but put it down to wearing tights! so off i trotted to the toilet and it was just like a huge gush of blood (I've never had anything like it) obviously it had made abit of a mesh of my undergarments and i didnt no what to do, i thought if i get up it will happen more, but also i couldnt sit on the toilet for the rest of the afternoon. Luckly i had taken my handbag including mobile with me and managed to call a lady sitting on our reception to come upstairs and help me out abit as i didnt have a sani towel on me and there was nothing in the loo where i was. God it was scary, all i could do was think of the worst, it wasnt helping that i have been tossing and turning in my sleep(Which i dont normally do) which is what happened when i had IVF and that failed, plus i seemed to have lost my sore boobs so put it all together and got it wrong thank god big time.

I am now so so happy and looking forward to my holiday on Saturday that i think i need to be taken off cloud 9.

Good luck and best wishes to you all for the next week. Take Care. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Ah bless you. Must have been so so scary :(

All is well though so at least you can enjoy your (well deserved) holiday!!

Have a fab time!! xx

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