Help? False positive?

As to the issue with your friends, tell them you are on some antibiotic or other drug from the doctors which you can't have alcohol with. Good luck I hope you get your BFP.
Good idea - although she's very intuitive and I am certain will see straight through it - hopefully I'll know before Monday anyway. The friends are people we would tell early on - we just don't want them to know before our families!

Thanks for the help!
When I found out I was pregnant with Ellie, although we were trying I was completely clueless, and hadn't realised that you couldn't eat certain foods whilst pregnant. The doctor told me when I went to see him to confirm the pregnancy. I then had to change my christmas menu choice from Pate to something else. This apparently tipped off several of the women who I work with, but thankfully they kept it quiet until I officially told people. :D
oh blimey! I can see how that would be awkward!

Well if it all works out for me I will have to do some elaborate lie developing myself!

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