Help!!!! Bed times all gone wrong.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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I dont even know if I am posting this in the correct place, but Im sure some of you will offer some well needed advice.

Leo is 3months old now and since he was 8 weeks old he has been sleeping through. I give him a bottle at 5pm, then bath at 6pm and then a top up (he usually takes a whole bottle again) after his bath and then settled by 7pm. But for the last few weeks he has been really unsettled at bedtime and will only settle with more milk, then sometimes he is that tired he will fall asleep on his 2nd bottle so we put him in his cot and then 45mins later he will wake up screaming and we have to heat another bottle up. This cant be right?? the other night he had a total of 13oz in the space of an hour and a a half, I dont want to over feed him, but we have tried winding him for long periods of time,he wont take his dummy, he wont take cooled boiled water, and I really dont like to leave him to cry for long.
Any advice would be extremely welcome.

I havent bottle fed so cant answer on the overfeeding thing but is he ok after having the extra top up when he wakes? If so then maybe just continue with that, he may be having a growth spurt so seeking a little extra milk is normal.
Sorry if that hasnt helped
What about trying to up the amount of ounces he gets throughout the day? We found this helped when LO went through this faze :hug:
I think you have been extreamly lucky so far :D As far as im aware it is impossible to over feed a baby, your LO will drink as little or as much as he/she wants. At this age your little one is sooooo small still and needs feeds little and often. I was breastfeeding to begin with and my son was feeding every 2 hours at this age, I then began using formula and even then he was still feeding every 3 hours! Through the night he would feed every 1.5 - 2.5 hours. If your little one is waking up and excepting milk and is happier and calmer for having it then carry on. At times you may feel you are taking one step forwards and 3 steps back and it will be like that for a long time yet.

If he drank too much he would throw it back up! If he is keeping it down then he needs it! He may be having a growth spurt?
How many ounces does he ususally take in his bottles?
Thank you so much for your replies, It has given me something to think about, and I feel reassured that I am not over feeding him now.

He is currently on 6oz at each feed in the day, so I am going to up it to 7oz and see how we get on.

Thank you again ladies xxxx

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