Help Baliffs!

She is i honestly HATE her, she made out she thought the scan was 70 and acted shocked when OH said it was 115. When i purposely told her a few days ago how much it was. I am so lucky to have a mam to pay for it as i dunno what i'd do...maybe when i get back on my feet and get my benefits sorted i could pay her back xxx
Has your oh thought about going bankrupt?
With your low income it may be the best option. Being bankrupt isnt as bad nowadays as it was say 10 years ago. It cost money but you will benifit in the long run especially considering you dont have alot of money left at the end of each month.
If he will go ahead with going bankrupt the baliffs cant touch you when they turn up you just say contact this person (whoever dealing with the bankruptcy) then they will leave you alone.
I think he is thinking about it but you have to pay like £300 don't you? xxx
Are you on any benifits? its not that expensive atleast it wasnt when my Dad when bankrupt 2 years ago.
There is something called a debt relief order (if you live in England or Wales) and LILA if you live in Scotland. This is where if you can prove that all your income is being used to support yourselves and bubs, then the debt gets suspended for one year, or until your circumstances change. (Meaning you have more disposable income.) If, after the year, you still cannot pay the debt, it gets written off. This is only available if you have debt less than £15000 though, and you have to meet certain criteria. It stay on your credit file for 6 years, and you can't apply for credit during the years debt suspension. You can however, apply for credit after the year again.

Here's some links incase this would work for you:

As for the Bailiffs, they hold no more legal power than an ordinary citizen, provided you DO NOT grant them access to your home. They legally are allowed to climb in windows or doors that are already open, but cannot open a closed door. When you see the van, it's a good idea to get a video recorder and record whats happening so they can't be, force entry (illegal) or open your door and claim it was already open. If they say it's illegal for you to video them without their consent, advise them that whilst they are on your property, you will do however you please :)

Without a warrant, they cannot enter.
Hey there.

I know someone that has been through the same thing and all they were told to do is keep your doors locked and dont answer the door to them...... They have no rights to barge in your house so as long as you dont let them in they cant do anythin..... Hope this helps a little.

Also hunni im sure you could do with out this with you being preg, Try not to worry too much and i hope you get sorted very soon :)....... Amy xxx
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A debt relief order and LILA costs £100, is instant and during the year no creditors are allowed to contact you either :) If you're on benefits this strengthens your case too. Give national debt line a call, see what they say. They can aply for these on your behalf :) x
So sorry to hear this, being in money troubles is one thing. being chased by money is a whole different thing, if you are anything like me it causes you endless worries and constant sleepless nights

when i was 18 i ran u p £5,000 in debts via credit cards, store cards, catalogues, phone contracts, bank accounts you name it. and i completely dismissed paying it all back and ignored all contact i recieved from people. Some people are able to escape the bailiffs, alot of people arent. I recommend him calling up and debt consolidation company, this is what i did, although i do not recommend mine as they are annoying as hell and im convinced ive been paying off more than i should directly to them. I currently pay £140 a month, but you can pay as little as you want. this is split between all my creditors and if they want to contact me in anyway they have to do it through the debt consilidation company. Its a much better feeling to not physically be chased by money and to have somebody else deal with the paperwork side of things. I will be debt free by September this year. My payments have risen and fallen due to different things happening in my life and i have been paying it off for over 2 years but not once have i had a bailiff knock at my door.

Something to think about,

take care xx
Thanks girls, OH is going CAB tomorrow morning so i will get him to ask about that debt relief order, once our benefits are sorted out i am sure we would be able to save up the 100 to get it. Until then theres nothing we can do money wise for his debt...i get pissed off sometimes as i don't see why i should suffer for the things he done in his past xxx
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whatever you do dont let your other half answer the door and him sa that he doesnt live there coz they will question him on where he lives what yu shud of sed was that you dont know who your oh is but itll be worse if his name is down on the house tenancy and that they can onl find you also if his name is down on the tenacy agreement and rent or council tax is in his name to did he answer the door to the guy what does the court order say? if it say you have a certain amount of time to pay for it phone them and say currently at the moment you only gtting a certain amount of money coming in and at this time you can only afford to pay what ever you can they will send you a form out to what you have coming in and whats coming out, do you have your own place? or you living with family i know its personal but how ou only getting 50 pound a month if you dont mind me asking
He answered the door before but luckily for some reason OH was day dreaming about this happening this morning so he kinda got himself prepared! Its because we only claim housing benefit and poll tax and thought that was all we were entitled to, so it has been like this for months...housing benefit don't pay all my rent either. So we never tried claiming for anything else but i got really desperate and went on a website to see what i could be entitled to and OH phoned jobcentre gave our details and we should of been getting an extra 120 a month which we have been doing without...stupid of us not to of doing it earlier, we just thought we weren't entitled to anything else xxx
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Sorry kept missing bits out lol, dunno what the court order said as the lad just had it in his hand. OH is on electrol register, council tax, everything xxx
just wanted to give you :hugs: i can imagine its a scary stressful time xx
Thanks hun it is but we will get through it, everyone else does...i just keep thinking of LO, puts a smile back on my face xxx
we are the same only without the bailiffs we are going through shelter at the min and they are fab i couldnt thank them enough damm recession
Its awful isn't it. What does the shelter do exactly, think i might get OH to ask at CAB about this too xxx
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they prioratise all you bills and then the 1s that are not important they write to them and tell tehm to stop interest and pay a £1 a month or what ever you can afford they work out whats coming in or going out and then they work out what money is available they take everything into account like christmas pressies and birthdays possible vet bills ect they can help with mini bancruptcy too :)
That sounds good hun, thanks! We will see what they say to him tomorrow. xxx

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