Help and advice needed with hair dye and tan moisturisers


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls :wave:

I'm in need of a bit of advice from you all if you dont mind.

We are off to OH's brothers wedding next week and whilst i'm all set with a fab new dress and shoes, my hair and skin are not looking the part...

I have really dark brown hair and a few naughty grey's have crept in at the roots :shakehead:
I always dyed my hair pre-pregnancy but have avoided it in the last 24 weeks but its getting me down now.

Have you dyed your hair during pregnancy?

The hair colour that i have in the house at the min is Loreal Casting Semi Permanant Gel Colourant No Amonia. Does the fact that it has no amonia make it safe(er)?

Also i just wanted a little bit of colour on my arms and legs so rather than using any of my fake tan that i'd have used previous i have bought some Dove Summer Glow thinking that because it says its a 'moisturiser with a subtle self tan' this might be better too.

Argh am i being a bit too paranoid or would you not use them?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks :hug:
I died my hair yesterday with no prblems, not sure about the no amonnia thing. Ive been using Johnstons Holiday skin again with no problems, id start using it now tho as it builds up colour and you will avoid any streaks. Oh and exfoliate
I had put off doing my hair for ages but had my cousins wedding last week so did it and had no problems atall. :D
I have had my hi-lighted at the hairdressers when only 8 weeks......

Im sure a bit of light fake tan wont hurt at all.

Have fun at the wedding.
I'm going to a wedding next week too (OH's mum) and have a lovely dress but was wondering the same about the fake tan/tinted body moisturiser. My arms are tanned but my shoulders aren't neither are my legs! I just don't know whether to go as is or risk it and try the moisturiser thing.

Fake tan scares me - I've never done well with it and especially with being PG Ijust don't know what to do!
i called a nurse ad asked about these myths. you should be fine! do it!
pregnant woman deserve to feel fabulous! (weather its pretty pink fingernails, or a new doo)
Ive dyed my hair through all my pregnancies! I do tend to use semi permanents though as I dont like the fumes of a permanent!
Thanks for your replies girls :hug:

Cant wait to have lovely shiny brown hair and a hint of colour on my skin. I'll feel like a new woman :cheer:

Have a nice weekend everyone

xxx :hug:
i died my hair someone on here said to get one with no ammonia so thats what i did.

all seems fine here :)

have fun!

cant help with the moisturisers though

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