Hair dye


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi Everyone xxx :wave:

I am due to get my hair coloured (I got greys!!!!) next week so I will be 15 and a bit weeks by then. Is it ok to have permanant colour on roots ( it will touch my scalp) and a semi through the ends? It isnt bleach or anything??

You have probably been asked this a thousand times!!!

Thanks again
Sam xxxx
i have been dying my hair all the way threw hun
i dont think its such a worry nowadays as dyes contain less harmfull cemicals in them now
just make sure you dont have any cuts or scabs that the dye could get into
manda xx
As long as your hairdresser is happy to do it then go for it. I've had bleach foils done (when I was 12 weeks) and I'll be getting them redone again at Christmas.

My hairdresser was fine about it, said they generally don't like painting tints straight onto the scalp during pregnancy but to be honest loads of people still do it and there isn't really any research to suggest that you are putting baby at risk.

Go for it!
And from the other side of the fence...i think its harmful to have such powerful chemicals seeping into your bloodstream whilst preggers.

I only ever use Henna...and i make sure its of a really high grade as even this can have heavy metals in it.

DId anyone watch that programme recently about all the nastys that are in toothpaste, shampoo, and beauty products?? they are proven carcinogenics. Not worth the risk to your health in the longterm if you ask me....But we all have choice. :?
i saw that prog natural mama - but i've been quite aware of all of this for a while and wish that other people were more aware too... :(

there's a great book called imperfectly natural woman which gives loads of great advice about how to live a more chemical free lifestyle without preaching too much at you about it. its one of the best books i own.

i wouldn't dream of telling other people what they should and shouldn't do - hell, i'm nowhere near perfect myself - but when people can unwittingly absorb over 2000 manmade chemicals a day, i wish there was more awareness about the potential damage that they could be causing...

*steps off soapbox*

:oops: :oops:
my hair dresser said she would do foils but not full colour , cos of the hormones in our body and how are skin changes we might be sensetive to dye when we wasnt before and could react , that along with chemicals made me decided to bite the bullet and grow the dye out , ive not been my normal colour for over 10 years :shock:
Every week I mean to call my hairdresser to book in for foils but every week I have a new ache or pain and can't be bothered LOL

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