Hello TTC peeps!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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Hello! I've introduced myself on the introductions forum but I thought I would introduce myself here also.

I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I've been married for 2 years.

I stopped taking Cerazette just over 3 weeks ago after taking it for almost 2 years. In that time I had one AF in September last year which lasted about 5 days. Before taking Cerazette I was on Mycrogynon for about 10 years, I used to take 3 packs in a row and then have a break for a week and I always got my AF in this time.

So I know it can take a while to get your AF back after taking Cerazette but I have been reading such horrible things and I just want some reassurance that everything is going to be ok!

Since stopping the pill I have had sore boobs and felt really bloated but nothing else. I can't believe that I am so desperate to have my AF! The slight twinge of a menstral cramp would feel like heaven right now!

I'm not even desperate to get pregnant at the moment because I have plenty of time for that but I just want to feel normal again.
Hello! I've introduced myself on the introductions forum but I thought I would introduce myself here also.

I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I've been married for 2 years.

I stopped taking Cerazette just over 3 weeks ago after taking it for almost 2 years. In that time I had one AF in September last year which lasted about 5 days. Before taking Cerazette I was on Mycrogynon for about 10 years, I used to take 3 packs in a row and then have a break for a week and I always got my AF in this time.

So I know it can take a while to get your AF back after taking Cerazette but I have been reading such horrible things and I just want some reassurance that everything is going to be ok!

Since stopping the pill I have had sore boobs and felt really bloated but nothing else. I can't believe that I am so desperate to have my AF! The slight twinge of a menstral cramp would feel like heaven right now!

I'm not even desperate to get pregnant at the moment because I have plenty of time for that but I just want to feel normal again.

Hey hun welcome to the forum!:D the girls on here are so lovely and helpful!! :) i was on cerrazette and come off it end of jan :) there is hope! I had period end of jan it was very light but crampy but ignore the horror stories the scared me a bit too. I too had sore boobs and felt twingy good luck for every thing :)
fx for your af :D
ah men sister!

took me a year after getting the implant out before my cycles settled and even at that, my body still likes to take the piss out of me every now n then lol.

good luck :)
Thanks for the reassurance girls!

I have been doing a lot of research on TTC and I downloaded PinkPad on my Ipod yesterday, it's great!

So this morning I checked my CM and it was a little bit pinky so I think AF is on her way finally! Also had stomach cramps all day yesterday. Problem is now, I thought it would be a great idea to wear white trousers today AND I have no tampons with me, brill!
well you best get some plugs then lolol!

good luck with TTC..

if you are just off cerazette and if your cycles are all over the place you should try SMEP starting from CD 8 (providing you are not still bleeding then) ? have a wee nosey on google :D xxxx
well you best get some plugs then lolol!

good luck with TTC..

if you are just off cerazette and if your cycles are all over the place you should try SMEP starting from CD 8 (providing you are not still bleeding then) ? have a wee nosey on google :D xxxx

Thank you! I'm still getting used to all these abreviations. When I saw CD I thought it was going to be a link to some place where I could buy a CD of sexy baby making music LOL!

So how do I work out my cycle days? Is the day I get my period day 1?
yep the first full day of bleeding is CD1, then when it stops you start using ovualation sticms i'd say about cd8 seeing your cycles may be messed up just to make sure you catch that egg! personally i OV ( ovulate ) at around cd15 but we are all different hun

you need a proper period come and go before you will know what end is up though sweety

this is not usually something i say BUT i hope AF ( aunt flo ) comes for you soon
Thanks Lynette, I'm pretty sure she has arrived now. Been getting brown spotting all day, cramps and back ache like crazy! Let's just hope now that she doesn't stick around too long!

So this is it then! It's all started! Woohoo!
well you best get some plugs then lolol!

good luck with TTC..

if you are just off cerazette and if your cycles are all over the place you should try SMEP starting from CD 8 (providing you are not still bleeding then) ? have a wee nosey on google :D xxxx

Thank you! I'm still getting used to all these abreviations. When I saw CD I thought it was going to be a link to some place where I could buy a CD of sexy baby making music LOL!

So how do I work out my cycle days? Is the day I get my period day 1?

If you are totally new to this and you dont have a clue how long your cycles are the best thing to do is buy a bunch of cheapie opk's from ebay/amazon and maybe a pack of digi ones and tests every day from CD8 - I test from CD10 but when I didnt know I started from CD8 then when you get your +opk strip on the cheapie take a digi one and itll come up a :) if you are OV.. I wouldnt buy the digis to use for every day purpose they are way to expensive, thats why this month I will back up with a digi.

CD1 is the day you fully bleed so for example I usually get some bloody discharge a few days before but I dont count this as AF as its not a full flow bleed. You may even feel some symptoms of OV, some pressure on your right or left side and you also need to keep an eye on your CM around this time and make sure its eggwhite.. Should be clear and nice n stretchy.

Due to the fact that I was on the implant for 4 years or so I feel that this may have caused my CM to muck up, I dont get really EWCM (eggwhite cervical mucus) not as well as I should, so this month I will be trying C+ which mimics EWCM and even helps the sperm move and survive.

Any problems drop me a wee message, always here to help :) xxxxxx
So yesterday I had stomach cramps, I felt tired, I had some brown spotting, back ache and I was really cold so I definitely thaought that was the start of my AF... but then today NOTHING! even the cold has gone??? What's going on?!

Either your body is still very out of sync, when i got my implant out i would bleed on and off for 6 months 3 days here 1 day there, it was a nightmare!

If you have been trying this month though then maybe take a cheapie pregnancy test, just incase from the time you coming of cerazette you have maybe OVd and caught it? dont want to get your hopes up just ruling everything out.

Maybe order a few cheapie hpts and if you havent had a proper AF by the time they come then test. If its negative I would just keep opking and waiting...
Thanks Russellmuscle, I think I'll give it a few more days before I take a test because I really don't think I am pregnant yet because I think me and hubby have only BD'd about 3 times since I stopped taking the pill and only one of those times he completed his mission in the correct place! haha TMI!
Well like I have said to the other girls, I am living proof that once is all you need :)

Yeah I wouldnt say take a test just now as it would be still too early say for example the bleed was implantation bleed, you would probably have another week or so before it would show up on a test anyway.

Have you thought about opking or anything yet?

and call me Claire :) haha
I stopped taking Cerazette in september and i've only had 3 periods since...:/ But i do have PCOS which i'm trying to manage with metformin and agnus castus.

Welcome and hope you get your BFP soon!! x
Thanks Claire,

No I don't really want to get into all of that too soon because I just want to take the relaxed approach to start off with. At the moment I just want to get my AF back and so I can try and work out my cycle! I am still getting a lot of brown spotting so I think this is too much to be implantation bleeding.
Thank you Charlotte, it's good to hear that you have had 3 periods in 6 months after reading so many negative stories about ladies not having any for a year!

Good Luck to you too xxx

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