Hello Ladies - How are we all doing?

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hello Everyone :wave: :wave:

How is everyone? Did i miss any BFP's over the weekend :think:

Did we all have a good weekend!??! :D

Well as for me I've just had to adjust my ticker from saying 39 day cycle because my cycle is still going.....

Its my B'day today and i never thought i'd say it but the best pressie would be for AF to turn up so i can say goodbye to yet another anovulatory cycle and get started with a new one. But the never ending cycle goes on, day 43 now.

I'm hoping the dull aching i have and swollen tummy is a sign she's on her way soon so here's hoping. I'll try and hold onto her for as long as i can girlies so she doesn't move on to visit anyone else!! :hug:


Bex :D
happy birthday hun! :cheer:

I think im on CD54 today so im pretty much same as you, just hopeing for AF or BFP. :hug: :hug: :roll: almost a 2 month cycle.
Hello hunny

i am good ths, just at work, I think i ovulated at weekend so fingers crossed!


Good luck hunny

:hug: :hug:
happy birthday :lol:
Sorry to hear you are being messed about with your cycles :hug:
hiya :wave:

Well i'm on CD 45 god knows about AF i wished it would hurry up!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Hope AF does turn up for you x x x
HI there :wave:

Jenna - crickey CD 54 i know what you mean about the 2 month cycle i was out at the weekend and kept having horrible pangs of jealousy when i saw other girls thinking.... :oops: :oops: ... i bet they have nearly had two periods by now and i was walking around feeling broken next to them. I hope you get one or the other soon Jenna :pray: ing its the BFP though!

mum2be? - OH crikey so your in the 2ww - how exciting hope you had some well timed BD'ing and that the 2ww isn't too agonising!! :pray: :pray: :pray: for a BFP you!! I bet your counting the days!!

Claire30 - Thanks hun :hug: :hug: :hug: hugs to you too - I know your going though a tough patch at the mo hope you get your BFP soon too :pray: :pray:
angiemum2b said:
hiya :wave:

Well i'm on CD 45 god knows about AF i wished it would hurry up!

Love the cake - Wish it was real so i could scoff it down and blame the weight gain on AF :rotfl: :rotfl:

So you pretty much at the same stage as me - isn't it annoying :wall: :wall: :wall:

I thikn i'm going to try angus cagtus next cycle to see if it helps although i think you have to be ovulating for it to help :doh: But its worth a try!

Have you tried it?

tots hope said:
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Hope AF does turn up for you x x x

Thanks Tots hope hows things going for you??

Are you on countdown to the big O?

Hope this cycles the one for you!! :dance: :dance:
:hug: Hope you get AF and ovulate next month. Its so complicated isnt it. And i was told unprotected sex once got you pregnant :roll: Id love to go back and argue it out with my teacher. They should teach people more about getting pregnant, they show it off at school as such a bad thing :wall:

jenna said:
:hug: Hope you get AF and ovulate next month. Its so complicated isnt it. And i was told unprotected sex once got you pregnant :roll: Id love to go back and argue it out with my teacher. They should teach people more about getting pregnant, they show it off at school as such a bad thing :wall:


i COMPLETLEY agree i think instead of just teaching you about contraception and the risks of unprotected sex they should teach you about your cycles and fertility etc, so you understand it all and your body better. I cannot believe i got to to 28 and knew so little about fertility and my cycles and CM, ovulation, etc etc. Its crazy!! i should have been taught this much earlier or told about it so i could at least find out myself.

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Little miss pink said:
[quote="tots hope":3kdgashr]Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Hope AF does turn up for you x x x

Thanks Tots hope hows things going for you??

Are you on countdown to the big O?

Hope this cycles the one for you!! :dance: :dance:[/quote:3kdgashr]

Big count down to OV - its our wedding anniversary on the 27th Agust so hoping that there will be plenty of BDing going on. I will be on cycle day 12 (3-6days before OV) but still hoping that this month we might get caught. Might just have to use my charms to get him into bed!!!!
tots hope said:
[quote="Little miss pink":18evbyuv][quote="tots hope":18evbyuv]Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Hope AF does turn up for you x x x

Thanks Tots hope hows things going for you??

Are you on countdown to the big O?

Hope this cycles the one for you!! :dance: :dance:[/quote:18evbyuv]

Big count down to OV - its our wedding anniversary on the 27th Agust so hoping that there will be plenty of BDing going on. I will be on cycle day 12 (3-6days before OV) but still hoping that this month we might get caught. Might just have to use my charms to get him into bed!!!![/quote:18evbyuv]

YAY :cheer: :cheer:

Here's to an Anniversary Baby present for you :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Sound like a positive month ahead for you!!!! YAY

Loads of Baby Dust for you!!!!! sprinkle sprinkle
Little miss pink said:
angiemum2b said:
hiya :wave:

Well i'm on CD 45 god knows about AF i wished it would hurry up!

Love the cake - Wish it was real so i could scoff it down and blame the weight gain on AF :rotfl: :rotfl:

So you pretty much at the same stage as me - isn't it annoying :wall: :wall: :wall:

I thikn i'm going to try angus cagtus next cycle to see if it helps although i think you have to be ovulating for it to help :doh: But its worth a try!

Have you tried it?


I haven't tried it but i might do once AF shows up. :roll:

As for the cake... :rotfl:
But here's :pray: to Af showing up and Ovulating on time next cycle! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Thanks Tillytots

Just seen your chart it looks like you got some well times BDing in!!

:pray: :pray: :pray: Hopeing for a BFP for you? Any symptoms? When do you plan to test?

Bex :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

CD43?! Wow, now I feel a little guilty for moaning about my cycles being irregular (between 23-33 days).

*slaps own hands for being so mard*

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Little miss pink said:
Thanks Tillytots

Just seen your chart it looks like you got some well times BDing in!!

:pray: :pray: :pray: Hopeing for a BFP for you? Any symptoms? When do you plan to test?

Bex :D

:rotfl: I was shattered by the end of it! This was kinda 1st month TTC properly. Thankyou hunni Im :pray: :pray: for everyone too there's been so many BFP's this month so hopefully we'll see alot more before the month is done.

Ive had a few symptoms but really trying not to symptom spot. Ive just felt strange this past week....

Nausea in evenings but only lasts about 10mins
Creamy CM still for days after OV
Needing to wee alot
Waking up in night and REALLY weird dreams and nightmares for last 2nights in a row
Really upset tummy
Heavy BB's - they didnt hurt at first but they do today as I noticed when I got dressed
Crying at things like Eastenders,

Most of those could be down to PMT as I get it really bad most months...it turns me cranky :rotfl: :rotfl: Here's hoping it means something else though!!!! :pray: :pray:

Not sure when to test, my ticker says 6days but this 2ww is dragging! So Il prob test Friday or Sat :D

Thanks Babylicious & SkairdyKat :)

How you both doin? Well i hope!!!!!!!!

Nearly the end of another working day yay!! :cheer: Birthday Celebrations tonight for me :cheer: :cheer:

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