Hello I'm new!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2006
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Hi to you all!

I am new to this site and have just been reading all the posts and found the info you are all giving really useful, although I don't understand all the abbreviations!!!!!! I am sure I will get there!

Well, Hubby and I are trying for baby number 3. I concieved both my 2 boys after the first month of trying I didn't have a clue when I was ovulating so I must have just been really lucky. After my youngest I had the implant fitted which I had removed in January after 3 years so I am worried that it might have had an effect on my fertility although apparently it should return immediately.

So this is our first month of trying and I am 11 days into my cycle and Hubby goes away tomorrow for 5 days on a training course (when I should be ovulating!!!) So I don't hold out much luck for this month but time will tell. I don't have any plans as of yet to do the tempreture stuff I am just hoping it happens quick as it took me so long to get hubby to agree. I am also hoping for a girl as it will deffinatly be my last.

Anyone used the implant and had trouble conceiving?????

Hi :wave:

Cant help with implant info but just wanted to say welcome :hug:
Hi thanks for the abbreviation list . There are so many I have got my work cut out! I really like this one......BD! lol
Hi snuggle thanks for that and congrats on your pregnancy. Hopefully I will be expecting a girl soon too. I would relish all the pink stuff after 5 years of blue lol
This is an odd question but does anyone know how I get my ticker to go at the bottom rather than the side? It took me forever to load one up and now it's in the wrong place lol.
If you go to your profile page and put the code for your ticker in the signature space instead of the avatar space it'll go underneath hun.
Hi again! I done what you said and put the info in the top space but I can't see it, just the link. Does anyone else see it? Have I put the wrong code in???????

hiya hun :wave: not got any advice but just wanted to welcome you to the forum and good luck TTC :hug: :D
and good luck ttc
Welcome aboard - you sound very fertile indeed. I hope you are as lucky with number 3

Hopefully I am still as fertile as I was with the other 2. Fingers crossed it won't be too long.

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