Hello girls!!!!

I'm so upset!
We have Big Brother 8 going now in America...but it's not the same Big Brother you guys are on about! (Must be YET another reality TV show we stole from you all.)

I want to gossip and talk trash too!!!
I WANT a Liam on my Big Brother! Our Big Brother is quite booooring this year!
(Edited bc I didn't mean to say I WAS a Liam...that made no sense.)
I think we stole Big brother from Sweden or somewhere. Most countries have one. I think we're on BB 8 as well
I havnt been watching it, it seems to make really anoying people 'celebrities' and im sick of seeing them all over the tv and papers :bored:

How is every one today? :sleep:
I'm ok.... Just had a 1-2-1 at work with my new boss and it was really productive.

She's given me loads of projects to work on and loads of meaty actions!! :cheer: :cheer:

I suppose if she knew I spent most of my day on here she might even give me more!!!! :?
Good morning everyone!

I'm waiting for OH to finish work at lunch time so we can all go out together. It's not raining for once :cheer: :cheer:

Trying to motivate myself to do an exercise DVD. I lost another pound this week :cheer: :cheer:
hi i just wanted to say hello to everyone im not ttc yet as im still bleeding from my loss but as soon as the bleeding has stopped im going to start ttc again, i think this is a really good site you all seem to be really nice i think its really what i need just now it will be good to have a positive focus, i hope i get to know all of you in the next few weeks, and hopefully go to 1st trimester with you. I have never really ttc b4 it has always just happened so im not sure about temp charting and knowing when you ov hopefully you can shed some light on it when the time comes. For those of you who are about to test i wish you the best of luck and lots of BFP dust to you.
thanks claire, and welcome to the thread :hug: :hug:

It is strange ttc, James was a huge surprise so this is still quite new for me too :D

girls, me again yep i am logging on while on holiday again, i cant help it i miss you all to much.

I am comming home tommorrow

back to work monday, and tuesday my boss is away for 2 weeks so i can come online when i wish when at work/

:hug: :hug:
Hope you have a safe journey home mum2be :hug: :hug:

I'm just eating my brekkie before I start work. Had a horrible day yesterday. We went to MIL's for a BBQ, and she started having a go at me for having dirty windows, really shouting at me (WTF!!). Because I was feeling all hormonal anyway I burst into tears and walked out. Travelled the 15 miles home on the bus cos I couldn't bear to stay in her company. OH and James stayed for the BBQ but OH said he had a go at her. Bloody in laws :x :x

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend! :D
I will send you my fridge magnet that says dull women have immaculate houses :wink: :hug:

I'm sitting here trying to wake up :bored: can't face breakfast so I'll make something for at work. Didn't get in till nearly 1 am becuase the group took ages packing up :(

And I managed to hurt my hand last night changing a barrel (I was lucky it was only my hand :shock: the pressure went and blew the coupling thing off :shock: ) and its still swollen this morning and I can't get my rings on :( Took them off last night when it started swelling. i hate having no rings on - makes me feel unmarried :oops:

I'm having a v weird stomach pain, like something pulling inwards :?
hi libs. maybe u should get yourself an xray to check things out with your hand. and changin a barrel. MY GOD woman get someone else to do it your TTC you dont wanna be doing that if you PG. :roll: women lol

im back

woohooo i am back

i drove home all the way 180miles i am so happy with my self.

Just putting my feet up and resting and on laptop lol

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Welcome back!!!!!! :wave:

Did you have a relaxing time?? Well done with all that driving, I drove to Scotland from Poole which took 7 hours, with two children in the car i was exhausted!!!
my hands fine now but thank you :D :hug:

I'd love to get someone else to do it - but the real steward doesn't believe in showing staff what to do :roll: so there's only a few of us who know how to change barrels etc. Last night I had everyone learning how to do it :D
hi, i got a BFN this morning, its still really early though so not too upset, really ill today :(

:pray: for you babes :D :D :D :D :D

EDIT :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I read that soooooooo wrong - early mornigns and late nights - thought you said bfp :(

now wait and test with me on wed :shakehead: then you'll get a bfp you watch - everyone does who tests with me :shakehead:
Hi Jenna, I got a BFN this morning too. Not meant to test til tomorrow but got bored of waiting! If it doesn't happen this month for you then heres to next month! :wink:

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