Hello girls!!!!

:pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I rekon theres going to be a lot of people getting BFP's soon. It seems to be like that, no BFPs then a load in a couple of days :hug:
Lets hope it us then! Cross everything....well not quite everything or we'll never get there!!!!
you too! I've just bought some ovulation kits off of Ebay so maybe they'll help? More peeing onto sticks....what fun :D
Glad your hands feeling better libs, good job you took your rings off when you did!

Welcome back mum2be :hug: :hug:

I haven't poas stick yet this month :shock: , normally I've done about 4 by now :lol: The charting is really helping me to stay in control

I really don't feel like it's my month, I think AF will be here in the next couple days

Good luck to everyone still waiting to test
Morning girls

just got into work, I had a fab time at butlins thx Sophie1102.
I had a facial & booked myself in the spa full use for 3 hours we got was brillaint.

I am feeling very happy today fresh start as from today

:cheer: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I were sat reading a random magazine at the weekend, it had a section about top 10 things to double fertility.

One of the things were both men and women should drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Im pretty sure when i got my BFP's i drank a lot of water, just thought id share that. :)
hi girls.

welcome back mum2be, glad you had a wonderful time away.

well still no AF for me. makin an appointment with the docs today.

im really p'd off had my tax credits bk today and they cuttin me down to 20 pound a week, so it looks like il have to go bk to work soon. ><
:wave: im going to see transformers tonight, not looking forward to it (dont know why). Not been very well today, had really bad stabbing pains in my stomach and eating and drinking hasnt shifted it. Cant breath sometimes :(

Im falling apart lol :hug: see ya tomorow :hug:

Welcome back mum2be? I couldn't drive that far, I have a licence but had a crash about 10yrs ago and haven't drove since.

Libs hope your hand is better hun :hug: :hug: :hug: . I ahve a feeling you'll be getting your BFP soon :D

Jenna sorry you got a BFN :hug: Hopefully it was just too early.

Jemz good luck at the docs hun :hug:

Muppetmummy glad your 'addiction' is under control :rotfl:

Nathansmum enjoy POAS 8)

And me? Well we went to Woodvale Rally yesterday, it was a good day. Think we may camp there next year :cheer: It's OV day today apparently (according to my ticker) but I've had no sign of OV yet. Although I did have a few OV pains the other day so I may have OV'd early. And I had awful backache earlier on, felt all stiff and couldn't move about proper :? . feels a bit better now though.
morning girls

hi miss g, yes come has af arrived?

Well its my first morning at work opening up, boss away 2 weeks its so quiet at work. Not sure how much work i will get done thou

mornin girls.

just popped on b4 gettin ready to go to the docs. So tired.

will let you kno soon. :wave:

been to docs. cried my eyes out to him lol (got personal stuff goin on aswell)
i got to have another preg test done and he sendin me for a scan. the strangest thing is he told me im ovulating a week before my period. :shock:
skairdykat said:
Just txt you the same question Leanne LOL.

Glad she came hun :hug:

yeah i know hunny lol i dont have many txts left

how are ya babes?? x
I'm good. Suprisingly I've not thought about TTC much this month. Must be because the kids are on summwe hols and are keeping me busy LOL
Good morning everyone :D

Glad AF arrived Miss G, bet you never thought you'd be pleased to see her :lol:
Morning Girls

How are we all today? Any Plans

I am good, tired did not go to bed til late now at work again.

:hug: :hug: :cheer:

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