Hello girls!!!!

My collegue who works in the same class as me has that. She got PG after only 3mths so I think she was very lucky.
oh wish i hadnt seen this. i have irregular periods (since ttc) gained weight and spotty.

had a blood test done tho awaiting results, got me worried now
jemz24 said:
oh wish i hadnt seen this. i have irregular periods (since ttc) gained weight and spotty.

had a blood test done tho awaiting results, got me worried now

Hope everythings ok. :hug:
it is usualyl more common in heavier girls too , and im not talking a lil weight gain , i gained 2 stone in under 8 months .

blood tests are also not conclusive that u have it , u have to have a scan to completely confirm and even then sometime u have the symptoms but nothing on the scan !

but its doesnt mean u cant get pregnant , im proof !

and there's ways of helping ! docs can help u have regualar periods , even the weight ( altho mine didnt) my periods were regualar but lasted 24 hours :rotfl:

so please dont so what i dont , was so distraught when i found out that i was off sick 3 days , to then find out i had worse to come ! but now look at me !
:wave: Just an hello :D as I have been on here much the last few days.
I weigh 13 stone, put 2 stone on since TTC!!! :cry: im only 5'4

hi libs :wave: how are you today?
hi libs

i not been in here most of week, I am had week off so just resting &

today my laptop has broken on me so i going pc world in bit to get it fixed,. I on my bro pc at mums at mo

:hug: :hug:
Hi Jenna - I'm good - just having my 2 weeks break from thinking about TTC :D

babylicious and mumtobe - hope you both resting :wink: and are well :D
I normally don't think about ttc very much in the two weeks after AF, but now I've started charting I'm having fun learning how to use Fertility friend. I think it will help me calm down about it onceI can see that I've ov'ed. Might help me stay away from the sticks too :D

Have been trying to get James to go to sleep, he's being a pain tonight. I can still hear him trying to read a magazine to himself. He's already had 2 stories!
mornin girls.

AF is due tomorrow thinks shes gonna show this month :evil:
oh well at least i can have fun with my opk's next month

hows it goin for the rest of you with af due soon?
I'm spotting the brown old blood now as of last night so she's defo on her way :roll: . Must just be how my AF's are going to start from now on I guess. Hope she stays away till Sunday though so then at least I will have had 2 cycles at 30 days, and my body may finally be getting back to normal after the pill. Only taken since January :roll:
Good afternoon! (I can't believe it's afternoon already!, I turned my alarm off this morning and overslept till 9am, James was supposed to be in nursery at 8am)

I've got to be good and do some cleaning and ironing today. The house is a tip! With OH, James and a male cat (Mr Kane), I'm out numbered by men and they are all so messy! OH is a landscape garden and he brings bits of other peoples gardens in with him stuck to his clothes. I'm so sick of sweeping up dirt and mud :x

Got to walk into town to go to the post office after picking James up from nursery, I'm hoping the walk will tire him out and he'll go bed early tonight. He was still awake at 10pm last night :shock:

I hope AF stays away Jemz :hug: :hug:

Skairdy..At least if AF does arrive properly you will know where you stand this month. he's been messing you about a bit too much recently :hug: :hug:
:wave: Hi everyone!!! It's been about 4 0r 5 days since I've been around. My DH was in Oregon for a conference...and he took the laptop... so I was without access to the forum! 'Bout drove me nuts!

Well... I start taking clomid tomorrow. Yikes!! It just makes it sooo real...and makes it feel so...immediate! I know it may still take a couple of months...but jeez...just the thought that it could be this month just freaks me out a little! Who knows!

Anyway...you guys were talking about PCOS... when I had my m/c in England the midwife who did the scan said my ovaries looked as if they could be pcos...but a scan doesn't really tell you much. After a pregnancy your ovaries look "juicer" and fuller than when you are not pregnant...so when I got to the US my doctor did the blood work and I do not have PCOS. The deal with PCOS is that it is totally related to insulin resistance. Doesn't mean you are diabetic just that you are resistant in some way to insulin (which is why you gain weight and break out...also contributes to the hair growth) So...although a scan may show the "string of pearls" like cysts on your ovaries the only real way to "diagnose" it is by an fasting glucose test. Basically you don't eat for 12 hours or so and they check your blood sugar levels in comparision with something. I'm not doctor but my doctor sat me down and explained it all to me because he said too many doctors diagnose the syndrome without doing all the appropriate checks. So probably a large portion of women who think they have it...actually don't. He also said it's sort of an antique term and so many doctors just say..."um...yeah...you probably just have pcos or something!" Anyway..just thought I'd through my two cents worth in there! Hope it helps.

Glad to see everyone is well!

Hi Jamie - fingers crossed the clomid does the trick hun.

How is everyone in here?
Hope you are all well. Tri 1 is boring :( We are all so worried about everything that we don't really chat.

Not like in here!
I like it here.
SO I am staying :shakehead:

Missed you all :hug:
It's been a lot quieter in here than it was a few weeks ago. You ladies with bumps will just have to stay and keep us all company :D

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