Hello girls!!!!

MM - my little boy also starts school in sept. It's scary how quickly time has gone, it doesn't seem that long since he started nursery. We get his uniform on thurs and I can't wait to try it on him.
Right - do I iron now and rest later or rest now and iron later, or sod it and iron tomorrow :twisted: I am working tonight - hence I need to rest :wink:

I honestly feel like just sitting down and sewing all day - figure there's no point doing the dishes as the dishwasher repair man will be here in a bit and it's pointless having no dirty dishes :D
I say sit down and rest now, especially if you are at work later, and your right about the dishes, what's the point when you can load the dishwasher after he has gone.
Course it will happen skairdy, It's a crash course for me after 7 years, I don't remember feeling this bad :rotfl:
Skairdy - :pray: you get your BFP.

Babylicious - hope you start to feel better as the day goes on.

I'm off, have to pick Jamie up from nursery early today and it is a half hour walk :( . See you all later, hope you have a good day.
I've got through some of my huge ironing mountain, now it's time to get ready for work. Still feel poo.

See you girls later :dance: :wave:

Well me and the boys have just walked to Tesco and back, which is about a 4 mile round trip. And I'm knackered LOL. I was absolutely dripping with sweat when we got there!!! I'm sooooooooooo unfit :? And I thought while I was there I would get some HPT's as you all say how good they are and guess what?...................they had non!!!! At least we made it home before the heavens opened.
I know.....how very dare they not have any, didn't they know I was coming? 8)
Morning ladies! *It's only 10am in the US*

I really don't have anything to report, but just decided to post bc you all were saying it was a slow forum.
Skairdy- I wish I were up for walking 4 miles! Geez! I'd be a fitter person. Good luck this month....and maybe it's better they didn't have the tests - those things start calling your name until you pee on em as soon as you get them home!

MM and Babylicious - how's things going in the early stages of your pregnancy?
Thanks for Asking hun- it's dead nice of you :hug:

I'm ok - been having some cramps but think it's constipation :oops:
I've been eating so many prunes I'm suprised I haven't turned into one :rotfl:
OMG! I hope I don't get preggo and start craving prunes!
I hate em! :puke:
I'd rather crave cheese pizza or doughnuts! :wink: But those are both fattening!
You're better off with the prunes. No trans fats. No cholesterol probably. But without all the bad stuff, where's the fun?
Thankfully I like prunes, but I have to eat them to keep things, ahem, moving :oops:

Had a huge pizza to myself at the weekend and will be getting some more from the supermarket tomorrow.... I am a pizza-oholic :D
And now have the perfect excuse!! :rotfl:
I love ANY pizza! Don't think I've ever had a bad pizza in my life !!!
(Can already see DH having to install larger doors on the house when I DO get preggers!)
hi girls :wave:

rah why do u all wanna be pregnant , im so sick :rotfl:

joking ! well not about being sick ,

praying u lot follow us soon ! miss u girls :shakehead:

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