Hello girls!!!!

G3M hun, You got morning sickness? (Should be called ALL DAY sickness from what I hear.)

I am hoping that when my time comes and I DO fall, I won't have any of this! My mom had 5 children and said she never suffered 1 day of morning sickness!!! :) One can only hope!
24/7 sickness and it doesnt always wanna come out top end :oops: :rotfl:

just got meself a sexy pair of travel bands :cheer:
Poor G3M! Travel bands are those things you put on your wrists to stop motion and sea sickness neausea huh? Hope they work!!!
Feeling sick to the tummy is the worst feeling!!!
Poor G3M! I had bad all day sickness with James, and it lasted till almost 20 weeks! Hopefully you won't be so unlucky. I have a lovely memory of being sent home from work cos I had such bad stretching pains and was feeling so sick, and praying I wouldn't throw up all over the lady next to me on the bus. Luckily I made it home and was able to puke in the toilet in peace :lol: I think I must have been about 14 weeks then.
I had 24/7 with Josh but was never actually sick - course I also didn't know I was pregnant :roll: By the time I did it was gone so I had all the misery without knowing why. Thought I had completely buggered up my liver or something :oops: Thought that was also why I couldn't drink all of a sudden and was a complete girl on my reduced drinking levels. The day i found out I was sooo glad I had a reason not to drink. :D (worked with all men :wink: ) But I don't care - I'm happy to take the sickness, backache, fainting all over again, though I would think that its only fair I don't have to spend half of it in hospital next time :wink:

Don't quote me on the above - I reserve the right to moan my head off when I finally get into 1st tri..or just stay in TTC even though I'm pregnant - which seems to be becoming the norm :rotfl:
my sisters having tests on monday, they think shes got PCOS, what are the symptoms of PCOS? :( she might have a baby in there though, there going to do her a scan.
Hey girls how are you all? :wave:

well what a week i have had and its only Wednesday LOL Monday i was driving to my new blokes house and me and another car collided and she hit my wingmirror off so i have been driving round with a smashed wingmirror, i know i know - naughty!! :shakehead: THEN last night i was driving back from Meadowhall with my best mate and the blinkin' cops pulled me - i thought it was going to be about my wingmirror....but ohh no....the spacing on my numberplate is too close together!!!! :shock: :roll:

SO....not only do i need a new wingmirror but i also need to buy a new numberplate....which i have sent my man to do for me today :rotfl:
jenna said:
MissGobby said:
but ohh no....the spacing on my numberplate is too close together!!!! :shock: :roll:

:shock: how did that happen?

obviously the man who did it put them too close together - there is supposed to be a gap between the 4th and 5th! :roll:
Good morning everyone! How are we all today?

I'm still feeling a bit ill but I've got a day off today and James is in nursery till 2.30pm so I can have a rest. Gonna go through the fertility friend tutorial emails, there are loads of them! They've been in my inbox for ages. Gonna watch the big brother highlights I recorded last night as well. Will be taking James to the park this afternoon if it's not raining, luckily the park is next door to my house so I won't have to drag my poorly self too far :D

I had 24/7 with Josh but was never actually sick - course I also didn't know I was pregnant By the time I did it was gone so I had all the misery without knowing why. Thought I had completely buggered up my liver or something Thought that was also why I couldn't drink all of a sudden and was a complete girl on my reduced drinking levels. The day i found out I was sooo glad I had a reason not to drink. (worked with all men ) But I don't care - I'm happy to take the sickness, backache, fainting all over again, though I would think that its only fair I don't have to spend half of it in hospital next time

I totally went off alcohol too when I was pg with James, it was one of my first symptoms, but because I was busy dieting for my holiday I didn't pay any attention to it. Just thought I was being good calorie wise :lol:

Jenna....I don't really know anything about PCOS, but I hope your sisters tests go ok :hug:

MissG.....sorry to hear you've got car trouble. Glad things are going well with your new man. Sounds like you've got him trained already! :wink:
morning girls.

woke up with the feeling im not pregnant :(

havin shooting pains in my sides. oh well guess il just wait for AF to show now. :evil:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry to hear that Jemz, AF seems to be making a nuisance of herself again. She's putting it about a bit, dirty slapper :twisted:
jenna said:
my sisters having tests on monday, they think shes got PCOS, what are the symptoms of PCOS? :( she might have a baby in there though, there going to do her a scan.

jenna i have pcos , its how they found my tumour when i had the scan to confirm what blood test were saying .

main sympton , irregular periods , gain weight , hairy and spotty

sounds lovery huh !

but as u can see , it dosnt mean u cant get pregnant , altho when i got told (befoe i lknew about tumour) i thought my world had ended , not even a year later im pregnant !
G3M said:
main sympton , irregular periods , gain weight , hairy and spotty

That sounds like me 2 :shock: What do they do to treat it? or is there nothing you can do?
I have pcos too, diagnosed shortly after having paris, I had two cysts rupture, I was rushed to theatre first time as I was bleeding internally. Not particularly hairy or spotty though :)
Just looked it up on google, doesnt sound very nice at all :(
I knew nothing about it, but appently my sis has it too, I tell you what it hurt like hell when the first one ruptured :shock:
is there any way of knowing without going to the doctors, i guess it might be a good idea to check :think:

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