Hello from a newbie ttc-er!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hi, I am new to this site. I'm 32 and this has been my first month TTC, my AF is not due until 16/02 and I am so hopeful because I have a really long irregular cycle and it will be ages before we can try again. I ovulate around the CD24. About two days after ovulation I was getting cramps, headaches and nausea but they must have been from a slight virus because I only have the odd cramp now but no other sympton. I have been snappy with DH but that could easily be PMT!! Absolutely noone knows we are trying because we have decided we don't want any pressure but it is driving me mad having noone to talk to!

Good luck to all and I just have to say this site is fab and I have been on a few! x
hi skatty

I'm 32 as well, but I've been TTC for 2.5 years. aaah! Another similarity we have is long cycles and ovulating 'later' than other women. I am not sure exactly, still, when I ovulate, but it's definitely somewhere between day 21 and 24. It's unnverving not to know exactly. I'm on CD day 38 right now. I took a HPT on CD day 35 so I'm fairly sure I'm not pregnant, but you know the way we TTCers hope against hope! Perhaps because of the long cycle it was just a little too early to test.

Anyway! Welcome to the forum and wishing you all the best of luck!
hi and welcome good luck ttc xxxxxxx
Hi Rach and Margaret and thanks for your quick replies!

Oh Margaret its nice to know there are others with such long cycles! Its so frustrating isn't it? I used ovu sticks this month and missed the strong LH surge but had light lines for 3 days so think I ovulated around CD24.

Have you heard of ovulex? I'm tempted to try it as it is completely natural and regulates your hormones and cycle. It is quite expensive but there is a lady in the US selling it on ebay- 3 bottles for the price of 2 (around £55 I think). It also strengthens the uterus to help prevent MC. I just can't bear the thought of having to wait so long between attempts!

I'm finding really hard to think of anything else at the moment and its driving me mad!

I think it could have been too early to get a positive so I have everything crossed for you! Have you had any symptons?

Katt x
Hi Skatty
Thanks for your encouragement! Well it's CD 39 and absolutely no sign of AF so hmmm, maybe it was too early to test four days ago ;)
I haven't tried any ovulation sticks or anything yet but I think I'll start doing that.
All the best!

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