Hello Everyone, i really need advice


Jan 9, 2008
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Hello Everyone

Don't know if you remember but i posted last month saying i had missed my period and still getting negative pregnancy tests well i have now officially missed 2 AF now, so of i went to the doctors yesterday and all they said is do another test and come back in april if AF doesn't come.
Its not fair 2 months of unable to try;(
Has anyone else been in situation any advice would be great

Thanks Girls

No ive never had this but didn't wanna read and run..x.. hope af comes or bfp.x.

ive not been in your situation but my cycles have suddenly become long (38 days the last one was) so i know what it is like to be waiting for something to happen...v frustrating! Hang in there hun...all good things come to those who wait...


P.S Im surprised the doc didnt do a blood test?
Hiya, never been in that situation just wanna say hope your cycles return back as normal :hug:

My situation was slightly different to yours - took 4 months after my m/c for AF to arrive so I know how frustrating it can be. Are your cycles normally regular? If so then it sounds really odd to miss two and not be pg - are you having any pg symptoms?

I started taking agnus castus which is supposed to help with regulating your cycles (not advised during pregnancy though so unless you're absolutely sure you're not, don't bother) but other than that, can't really offer any advice - sorry!

We're always here though if you wanna chat, everyone on here is sooooo supportive x
Hiya, I haven't had period since October 2007. I have always had problems with my period though.. After trying for 9 months I have finally seen the gynaecologist consultant who sent me from blood test. It shows that I have biochemical Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and that's the reason for my irregular cycles. I have started taking Metformin twice a day to balance the hormonal levels.

I know how frustrating it is but I am sure that doctor won't do anything until you have missed few periods. Hope your AF comes soon :hug:

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