Helen123 labour watch UPDATED!!!!!!!!!

Wooooo! Good luck Helen. She's still having a home birth isn't she? I'm really looking forward to hearing her birth story.
I'm gagging to hear how she's getting on!
all the best helen hope your getting the lovely home birth you wanted thinking of you xx
:dance: yay couldnt believe it when they said you was in labour :D lol.
Its flown by since the last time we spoken eh lol.
All the best im so excited for you. hope its going as smoothly as possible an hope you got the home birth you wanted. you can do it hun :).
cant wait to see a pic of your lil un eventually lol. Wow fantastic. soooo happy now lol.
cant wait for the next updates. keep going hun. well done !!! x
Hey Ladies.....Ok heres how its been going!

Contrations started 5-6 mins apart but there wasnt any MW to attend a home birth so she had to go to hospital by their request!

By about 00.22 they were about 3 min apart and she's lost lots of plug so was happy with everything!

02.08 off she went to hospital as nobody free for h0ome birth...shes was gutted ;-(

03.27 They SENT HER HOME!! She wasnt inpressed so just had to plod on!!

07.50 Contractions started again getting stronger every 4-5 mins and lasting longer! Managed to have a couple of cat naps inbetween and Rob was being great doing what hes meant to do lol!

09.18 Still at home but she thinks shes going to have to call the MW as shes having a bit of trouble with her back!

So little one is still hanging on in there so hope he makes an appearance today at some point!!

Watch this space now Im in the land of the living I will update as soon as I get anything!!

Thats the last update Ive had so got my phone in hand and waiting for the next updates and have told her your all asking about her and wishing her luck xxx
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Fingers crossed she still gets her home birth and will be meeting seb today! x x
Wishing you luck I really hope it picks up as mine has been like this the last 6 weeks and don't wish it on anyone hope baby makes an appearance soon much love :love: Evelyn xxxxxxx

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Good luck Helen!!! Hope you don't have to wait too long now!! xx
omg i'm so excited! home wee man arrives soon and you get your home birth helen!!
Good luck with everything!!! Hope you get your home birth xxx

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