HEEELP I think i'm pregnant


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
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Please give me as much advice as possible i', reaaly nervous.
I've just turned 23, i'm 10 days late now. My periods are never late and i've never (or atleast i don't rememebr ever having ) had a missed period.
I'm still a virgin (as an i've never had intercourse, my fiancee has never inserted before BUT we do other things....as in he rubs my clitoris with his penis until we both hit climax and ejaculate (though he ejaculates outside of the bed not anywhere near me)...sorry for the details ladies!
Because i'm aware that pre-ejaculation can have sperm in it i'm scared i might be pregnant.
-The date of my last periods was on June the 24 up until 27 , i was expecting them on July 25
-My fiance and I were sexualy active between 29 June to the 04 of July
-Only a week ago that i started having period cramps, and sore breasts (which is what usually happens before i get my period) but is also a sign of pregnancy
-I have not had any vaginal discharge, its very dry down there.
-I did 2 home pregnancy tests that came back negative
-I did a blood test two days ago and it came but negative, was it too early for the test?
Between yesterday and today i didn't get and cramps....could i be pregnant?
If you're 10 days late and still getting negatives even with bloods and there was no penetrative sex I would say no.
Our bodies are gret at playing tricks on us. It's quite possible that you are stressed out at potentially being pregnant and have surpressed your period coming on. Try to relax and not worry about it :)
It is extreamly highly unlikely you are pregnant as your a virgin and haven't had intercourse... If his pre sperm was to hit the outside the vagina it would be very very unlikely to swim up your vaginal canal... I don't think you have anything to worry about. But I sugest if your not going to have sex but do things like that then still use protection so your not worried in the future. The reason your period is probably late is the weather or stress... I really wouldn't worry at all about pregnancy as I think the chance of that is almost impossible. - go to your gp if your concerned. We can't really give u much more advice. Good luck and be careful x
Thank you so much i really needed to hear that. I'l be very careful next time...i'l try to keep updated unless i realy am pregant in that case i don't think i'l be able to breathe for a while.
Ok so I just wanted to keep things updated just incase someone who has the same problem as me wants to know more.
Well after 11 days of total panicky hell...i FINALLY got my periods..ladies i was not expecting that. I was hopeless i didn't feel them coming at all and they've never been this late!
Very happy though even though they;re killing me. Anyways that GOD for that.:)

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