Heavy implantation bleeding?


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
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Hi all.

I've literally just joined this forum so please forgive me if this topic is being repeated. Also be warned, I've provided far TMI!

Me and my partner have been trying to conceive our second child (we have an amazing 8 year old son) for the past 5 months. My cycle is like clock work and I'm never more than a day early or late. My last period started on 16.07.11 and I ovulated on 02.08.11 my next was cycle due to start 17.08.11. On Sunday (07.08.11) 5 DPO when I wiped after using the toilet I noticed blood mixed with a brown/black discharge on the paper. This carried on all day Sunday and most of Monday. It was only ever there when I wiped, never a flow. Monday night it got heavier, more blood and some small clots. It's slowed down today alittle but I'm still bleeding. Normally my periods start with a heavy flow and slow down over the next 5 days. I did a HPT on Sunday, Monday and last night, all negative. But I also did OPK on these days and got faint positive lines.

Could this be implantation bleeding or just a really early, weird period? Has anyone had similar experiences? I got my hopes up on sunday when it first started but now I've pretty much lost hope.
Hi. Thanks for your reply! How did your appointment go? Good I hope!

I stopped bleeding the day before yesterday and took a clearblue hpt this evening and got the faintest positive. I could barely see it but it was definitely there so I'm going to take another in a couple of days to see what that says. Fingers crosssd!

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