heart attack...any one heard of this before?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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my grandad had a heart attack a month and a bit ago and didnt tell any one till a week later. He went to the doctors because he couldnt eat and they rushed him to the hospital. He was sent home 2 days later and was told he just had to take some pills every day and stop smoking. :wall:

last week he had another heart attack and they sent him home the same day.

The doctors said its a blood clot in his heart and hes having heart attacks because its blocking his tubes and theres no blood to pump so its not doing what it should causing a heart attack.

What i dont get is why hes on pills to shrink the clot and after the 2nd heart attack hes still sat at home just waiting for the next one? the doctors said the clot wasnt any smaller... I dont get it! :cry:
Clots can get smaller but then regrow again so to speak so the pills will only take away tiny bits at a time and the process is very very slow, eventually the pills should take away more of the clot, but it will be a very slow process, taking bits at a time, dont quote me on that though im not a doctor :).

Hope you're grandad gets better huni :hug:

cas x
they said the first time that he was on scale 5 and theyve never known any one servive that. I'f its going to take ages hes bound to have another heart attack :cry: I love him so much and he was so scared when i asked him about it. Iv never seen him cry...ever. :cry:
Aspirin can help prevent heart attacks

Aspirin has been shown to be helpful when used daily to lower the risk of heart attack, clot-related strokes and other blood flow problems. Many medical professionals prescribe aspirin for these uses. There may be a benefit to daily aspirin use for you if you have some kind of heart or blood vessel disease, or if you have evidence of poor blood flow to the brain.

Look on google there's a ton of stuff :)
Why is he on tablets when the injections work much faster?! My Mum had to have injections when she had a clot and she had injections for a long while as it was strong and was the better and faster option.......Fragmin Injections they were, then she went onto warfarin after a while, but even then she had to go back regualrly to be monitored so they knew how thin the blood was as that causes problems in itself...........so to me, it doesn't make sense........especially given the fact it is around the heart and he is having heart attacks as a result, it just doesn't make sense, are you sure you have it right?!?! My Dad also has heart probs, so it really sounds very lapsical given everything you have said! :hug: xx

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