Well last night when i was at my dads he was complaining of cheast pains aperently happening all week, first thing i think of is heart attack i was really concerned i only had my learners but my mom and i was there and were trying to convince him to go into the emergency. he didnt... Well today after Kiara and i woke from our nap got a call from my bro saying the ambulance came and took him in it was getting worse, so Bernie took Kiara and i to see him and he was in a hall way cuz they had no rooms , i hate the hospitals out here they are crap
he had an iv and full of wierd things all over his body i put Kiara on him and its like she knew somthing had gone wrong she just laid on his chest and snuggled him it was so sweet she then before we left gave him a few kisses didnt fuss at all being there. We only stayed about 20 min then i went back to his house to wait as Bernie had to go to work and ide have no way to get around. He ended up coming home around 830 ish and aperently it might be angina have no idea what that is and also said what he had been having is warning pains and that he has to take better care of himself or he will have a heart attack which might end badly.
it really upsets me my dad is only 45 and want him aorund for a long time, but he dont listen to the doctors. He told my brother where all his pills where in case they ( ambulance) ever needed them . Just hope he takes better care of himself was a scary day . He also has to stay on a heart monitor for a 24 hours starting tom and see a specialist Sorry for rambling on
Well last night when i was at my dads he was complaining of cheast pains aperently happening all week, first thing i think of is heart attack i was really concerned i only had my learners but my mom and i was there and were trying to convince him to go into the emergency. he didnt... Well today after Kiara and i woke from our nap got a call from my bro saying the ambulance came and took him in it was getting worse, so Bernie took Kiara and i to see him and he was in a hall way cuz they had no rooms , i hate the hospitals out here they are crap
