Health Visitor


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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I received a letter from the health visitor on Friday saying that they make home visits after birth between day 10 and 14 and they would like to arrange my visit for Dec 15th...when Ella will be nearly 4 weeks old!!

What is the purpose of the HV?
My HV came to visit before LO was born and two weeks after. I now see her every month at my local surgery to have him weighed, measured and we have a catch up. She fills inthe red book and you are under their supervision if you need anything for the next five years. For example if you had any kind of trouble lets say not speaking or walking she would refer you to a specialist. Its like having someone between a midwife and a GP. That's my understanding.

I am so lucky, my HV is so lovely and supportive. I look forward to seeing her.
my hv came out once when my LO was 10 days old, she's also at weigh in clinic & i've got a contact number i can ring if i need any advice. some of them are very usefull others are Crap! x
My hv came round at about 2 weeks and a week after as well but I was given all the numbers to contact then. I have found my hvs to be invaluable and they're amazing but I know some people really don't get along with theirs. Let's hope yours are nice!
i saw mine first like 3 days after birth and then two more times for hearing test and to be weighed then i got invited to attend the clinin to get chloe weighed and raise any concerns. I try to go every other week.

She is friendly but mine is new so unfortunatly only get ''text book'' advice rather than experience of someone saying oh try this and try that. She is very friendly in that she remebers im single mum and asks each time if we have been visiting or had many visitors so think they do like to have a general chit chat to make sure everything is ok in every department. She does ask alot about the babys father though like does he pay etc (he doesnt but i dont see thats her business so keep answers short) as think if they knew they can interfer to much maybe xxx but like somelse said its great cus its like you have your own advice line 24/7 xx
I saw my HV around day 10, all she did was patronise me about my breastfeeding and told me not to top Caleb up with formula because it would get out of hand and he'd have 100% formula... At this point Caleb had lost almost 10% of his birth weight in the first 3 days because I had hardly any milk and she told me that was quite shocking and really a lot to lose.

So I felt awful about myself for ages, and haven't called her since! She did give me her number in case I needed her... She's never at the weigh ins or anything... xx

Honestly I'm better off without her! Some people are so lucky having such nice ones!

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