Health Visitor - What do they do??

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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My health visitor is coming to visit on Monday for the first time and she said on the phone it would be for 45 minutes or more so just wondered what they will do as that seems a long time??
My first visit with the HV she did Becky's length, weight and gave her a general physical check over. Basically just made sure we were getting on OK. There's quite a lot of paperwork for them to do on the first visit (you'll get your red child record book) and they've to collate and fiddle with anything the midwife has left behind for your GP. They'll also answer any questions you have - I had a list at the ready :lol:
Yep my HVs first visit mainly consisted of getting all the paper work sorted and a check of Calleighs weight, length and general health. She also provided me with info on some of the local mum and baby classes i could attend.
Also making sure i was well and answering any questions i had.
Ditto what the others have said. Once you get your red book you'll see they have a section to record babies weight and length etc and any notes from visits they make. They will weigh baby regulary for a number of weeks and then you can have weight done at your loca HV clinic usually run once a week someplace. She can explain all.

Its not like they are there for a witch hunt or anything but to make sure things are going ok and to offer advice, support and information. They can help tell you about local groups etc also.

If you have any concerns about breast/bottle feeding, baby, yourself then you can talk to her and hopefully she'll be able to help. They are there to help.
We get our Red Book before baby is born here, I got Wriggly's just the other day, and Isaac's was actually delivered before he was born by our HV so we got to meet her before he arrived. I can only second what's been said above, your HV is there for support, questions you may have regards anything you, baby, health, feeding etc and they come to you to make things easier for you, if you feel able and wish to go to the clinic to see them, simply say so and they'll accomodate what works for you :)
you're all lucky, my health visitor did nothing on either of her visits. she couldnt weigh him as she had a bad shoulder and couldnt carry the scales, she didnt even look at alex once. she was a lovely woman, told me about her house being up for sale and her favourite resturants in my area...but unfortunatly she was just rubbish at what she was there for.
ive changed doctors now and so have a new HV.
The MW gave me my red book.

I had everything the others have said, she wieghted her and measured her and happened to watch me feed as Tally was hungry. She gave me loads of leaflets anfd asked quite a few personal questions like who i live with where my family live what Dave does and where he and his family live. I wasnt too comfortalbe with all those questions tbh, but she never commented so i must have answered them correctly
as the ladies have said above and mine also did a pnd questionaire and asked how i was feeling, to be honest she was more bothered with me that Hannah

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