Health Visitor - Update from visit!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Just had a call from my health visitor who has arranged to come round tomorrow afternoon to meet me before Oscar arrives. Just wondering, as I remember others having posted about meeting the HV prior to birth, but wasn't sure if I'd seen any threads about what they did whilst round. I assume it is just introducing herself and explaining what her visits will entail.

I asked her whether she liked dogs and offered to drop mine round my parents but she said she has four and seemed quite happy for him to be there which is good as it means I won't have to make sure he is at my Mum and Dads after the birth when she comes round either.

Anyway, those who have had visits, were they helpful/informative? Will I get my red book tomorrow? Are there any questions that you asked? I can't think of anything at the moment.
As far as i remember it was just introducing herself and giving you a nhs 0-5 book (kinda like the pregnancy one you would have got earlier on). Didnt get the red book till after he was born :)
Mine was here for AGES. She talked a lot about baby massage :? and toys for babies and how babies communicate in the first 2 months. We got shown a very long DVD on babies communication. I found it all a bit hippy dippy for me. Was very focused on baby welfare (which is good) and didn't really listen to my views so just let her talk and agreed with everything she said.
Mine was so lovely. She introduced herself, asked me about my plans for breastfeeding, clued me up on positions and ways to best get baby to latch. She talked about sleeping arrangements, my fears once baby is here, post natal depression etc. She gave me the red book and a 0-5 years book too, went through some of the pages with me, when baby will be weighed each appointment, the heel prick test, erm :think: loads more! Like injections etc..

It's so wierd when they leave because they say "the next time I see you I'll be meeting baby too" :shock: Makes it sooo real!!

Hope it goes well! xx
You may well get your red book. She'll make notes in the back about each visit also.

She'll just have a chat, give you some bumpf and maybe your bounty pack and plug the local playgroups and so on. Also tell you about the HV clinic and so on.

Nothing major when they come out before baby arrives. If you can think of any q's but tbh chances are yood be better off waiting and seeing what she says and asking questions that arise from that. Most of my questions for HV are baby related and I'd not have been able to ask them before baby arrived as I just didn't know how things were going to be. If that makes sense. But if you can think of stuff, ask away.
Thanks for the replies :D

I'm quite looking forward to it, she seemed nice on the phone. Sounds like you all had quite successful pre-birth visits too!
Mine is coming out sometime next week, have no idea when though have lost where I wrote it down :shock: :oops: She said its just to meet me for an informal chat, they said at antenatal yesterday that HV would give us our red books when we saw her but by looks of it that obviously varies from area to area.
I believe the main reason for the visit is so you meet a friendly face for baby clinic for after baby is born, and they like to make you feel welcome, and give you your red book :D Mine generally chatted about my birth plans, then breastfeeding, weighing, immunisations, the baby clinic and how they're there for you and baby.. this time around I've not had a visit and my red book was posted :lol: It is a lovely visit, enjoy!! :hug:
Sherlock said:
You may well get your red book. She'll make notes in the back about each visit also.

Or yellow if you live near me!!
:) OOoooooo yeh I got my red book when she came and visited. She did most the talking and asked a few questions like the midwife did in the first 8week appointment. She didnt stay for long though because I had to go to work but she was telling us about local parent and baby groups and meeting people in the area because we haven't been here very long. Also saying about how the pregnancy had gone and if it had been a happy one and making us aware on PND and stuff. :D
Thanks for the replies :D

Oooh I thought the red book being red was nationwide :lol: I didn't realise it was like the yellow maternity notes not being yellow everywhere :D
I never got a visit! I want a visit! *stomps feet* Why do I have to be different?? :lol:

errr...only want a visit if they as nice as all of yours seems to be :rotfl: think it's a bit late for a visit before baby though!
I didn't get a visit from my HV until after the birth when the MW stopped coming.

Oh and my PG notes are Green, Labour notes are yellow and baby's book is yellow too! Not that Lucy's yellow book has left the house int he past two years!
Well just to update, she came round and was lovely :D I got my red book and my NHS birth to five manual thing :D

She asked loads of questions about us in order to get a good picture of what kind of support we have and then in return told me what we could expect from her. We spoke about breastfeeding and she told me about a parent and baby/toddler group in our village as well as letting me know I could come to health clinic in the village too (so much more convenient than having to drive anywhere else) :D

In total she stayed about an hour and luckily my dog didn't try to eat her :cheer: Although she did say he has a fearsome growl and is very intimidating - he wasa a bit grumpy today :(

So all in all, a very productive visit :D
Glad it went well! And it really helps if you like them :hug:

Glad it went well.

We don't get HV visits at home prior to the birth. First time I met one was after the birth of my son last time. Interesting how things vary according to where you live.

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