Health Visitor appointment


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I have a health visitor appointment in a couple of weeks. I have never heard of this before and was wondering if it is normal? I didnt think i saw her until after the birth?

Has anyone else had one and if so what am i to expect?

Ta x
i know someone whos not long had her second baby. She had it with both, the second time she was only at the house a few mins. And its perfectly normal in some districts. Its just to come out and see how you are and pretty much to see if your ready. Then they come out afterwards :) x
I never had this with lace until after and haven't heard that it's gonna happen this time either but afew girls have seen their health visitor before birth!
I saw mine a few weeks ago, cleaned the whole house ready for her arrival cos my mum made me paranoid by recounting tales of the hv she had 30 years ago but she was literally here 15 mins, chatted about her role, gave me loads of leaflets and didn't even want a cup of tea. Nothing to worry about chick I think it just depends on what health authority you're under whether they see you before or after.
mine came to c me last thursday, she just introduced herself, explained to me what she does and when she will come see me. told me about baby clinic and othet mother and baby groups in the area she also gave me lots of leaflets xx

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