

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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I'm suffering really bad with headaches/migraines at the moment, getting sick with them sometimes as well :( I've already spoken to MW and she says not to worry but it's really getting me down :( I'm bed ridden with them most of the time because they're that bad and paracetamol doesn't even touch the sides.. My mum reckons it's something I'm eating but I haven't deviated much from my diet before being pg except more fruit and veg and what not... could this be causing it?

I also have lazy eye in my right eye but the pain is not behind my eyes, it's all on the top, in my temples and down the back of my neck... I have an appt with the opticians booked next week anyway just to be sure.

Just fed up of being in pain most of the time :( xx
I know how you feel, had a similar post just a few days ago. Bloody awful. I hope we'll both get over this soon!
Yer me too! It's really annoying not being able to do anything because it feels like you've been shot in the face everytime you move lol.. :hug: xx
Crikey can I join your club? My head is absolutely banging. It starts with poor vision though so for about half an hour I can't see anything (like looking through a kaleidoscope) and now it's just boom boom boom. Argh. Oh and I wouldn't recommend those 4head things, I'm using one and it's not touching it. Just want to go home and curl up in bed...............
Total sympathy, i had some right humdingers in my last pregnancy!! Hope they bugger off soon and you get a reliever.

Just keep up with the paracetomol!! xx

I suffer from migraines too and had them badly in my last pregnancy. Acupuncture helps! And its safe for baby.

Hope you feel better soon.

i can sympathise 100% with you hun,

last week i ended up throwing up because of a violent migraine.

doc gave me paralief (paracetamol)and they don't help much but they do take the edge off the pain, unfortunatly there isn't much else we can do :(

hope you feel better soon huni! x x x x
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Hey girls, how is everyone?

Well the headaches have eased... but they've been replaced with some nasty ass wisdom tooth pain! The left side of my face is all swollen :( on the bright side, paracetamol is helping wonders but it's getting increasingly hard to stick to the 2 pills every 4 hours lol just want to down them like smarties! Starting to think there may be an infection as well as it's been non stop pain since Wednesday and the most annoying thing about it all, I was at the Dentists on Tuesday :/

Bleh! All good apart from that though :) x

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