Headaches, nausea and crisps


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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My headaches have returned :wall2::mad: I had been feeling ok for a little while and WHAM back they come.

Also - I feel sick a lot and the only thing that helps is eating crisps. I am not kidding you, I must be eating about 10 bags of crisps a day. I normally eat an apple and yoghurts for breakfast with fruit snack at 10 and then a jacket with tuna/salad for lunch. I can't stomach any of this anymore, the fruit makes the nausea worse if anything!

I think I must have gained about half a stone in a week eating crisps/crisp sandwiches and I am getting a bit depressed about it.

The midwife said not to worry massively and that it is important to eat something at least rather than let yourself get hungry but I am feeling bad about the lack of vitamins.
i found fruit made my nausea worse and the best thing for me was bread sticks and cous cous and ice cream and gingernut buiscuits random selection i know. dont worry im sure the crisp thing will pass sounds like mayb needing carbs and salt? x
I am the same! Nothing has taken this sickness feeling away from me, not even pills from the doctor! BUT today I had a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and omg!! I'm on pack 5 already feel bad that I have eaten that but honestly I don't care if it helps with me not feeling like crap! Gonna speak to my midwife and find out if its something I'm lacking in making me want this lol! Your not alone anyways and I felt I had to write lol x
Oh no, i had a headache all weekend, it was horrible.

I wouldnt worry about the crisps, i eat 3 lint choc's at 10 this morning :(
Salt and vinegar crisps are my absolute fav thing at the mo. I have at least 2 or 3 packets a day with a scoop of low fat philidelphia to dip them in.
Its funny this because normally I don't eat crisps!
It must be the salt!! I'm putting soy sauce on everything!!!
It is the salt I am having everything salty - crisps, crackers, soy sauce etc etc
I cant decide what i want, did wake up at 5am wanting chocolate melt in the middle pudding, hot with cream poured over the top. So off i went to m&s today and bought my self it for tonight. xx
ooooh that sounds yummy charlie!

It was my wedding anniversary yesterday and hubby brought home 2 YES 2 boxes of lint choc's

This thread has really made me want some crisps! prawn cocktail! yum!
Well despite my good intentions with the veg I have bought over the weekend, tea tonight is a tin of chicken soup.
This post is makinh me hungry, i want to eat every thing :) liking the sound of salt and vinager with philly leanne...... i'm off to the shop x
Im just about to make it now nurse :)
fresh cream over hot chocolate cake mmmmmmmmmm.
enjoy ur crisps ladys xxxxxxx
I lovingly prepared veggies from my garden for tea on Sun night as I was so worried about lack of vitamins and promptly threw the whole lot up 10 mins after I ate it!!! Am now living off Hula Hoops. They rock...
So it seems the little ones will be junk food adicts whatever we want from them!! X :) x
Must be a common thing as it makes me feel better when I have salt & vinegar chrisps!!! Crazy! x also icepops sometimes help
Hey ladies just reading and a few weeks back when i felt sicky the only thing that stopped it for me was ready salted crisps!!

And had the craving for salt on everything, and loads of junk food :whistle:

Ive finally put my foot down and refusing takeaways cos my skin is really bad, but omg its hard! xxx

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