Headache and dizziness *updated*


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Hi ladies, hope you're all well.

Just a quick question, all day yesterday and woken up again this morning really dizzy and with a splitting headache. Don't want to be a pain ringing triage if its normal. Anyone else experienced this?

Thanks x

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I had this quite badly a couple of weeks ago, they checked my blood, they checked my blood pressure, nothing. No reason. The only other thing they suggested was to get my eyes tested, which I haven't done cos I've been working. Sorry not much help cos I went undiagnosed!! xx
Midwife said my blood pressure was high compared to usual on Friday. So wandering if it could be that x

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If I was you I would ring triage and get checked over. It's prob nothing to worry about but better to be checked out x
If it's high blood pressure then yes. It's not worth the risk, they need to rule out pre-eclampsia asap. Phone triage hon xx
Am leaving it for now just having a lie down, will see what OH says when he gets home in a bit. x

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Paracetamol hasn't touched the headache and I'm still getting dizzy. Got the blurred vision in corners of my eyes like I get when I get migraines so wandering if its just a migraine.

OH is home now and is cooking some dinner, He said I should ring triage if i still feel rough after dinner. In other words he wants to eat first incase they want me to go over, Men and their stomaches a!

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Go and get checked out today. If for nothing else, then just for peace of mind. Dizziness & blurred vision shouldn't be ignored in the third trimester. Hopefully, it will just be a pesky migraine & you'll be sent home again.
Good luck & let us know how you get on. x
Been just hoping itd go, but nope still just as bad so rang triage and gotta go over now, FX its just a migraine :-/ xx

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Its wise to get it checked, just in case. FX all is ok and that it goes soon xx
Glad you are going to get checked, not worth taking any risks at this stage. Hope all is ok. Xx
Hey only just got home! Not pre eclampsia although blood pressures still a bit high, so basically they're not sure just been told to take it easy and see if anything changes xx

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Glad you are ok.
Look after yourself and get plenty rest. Xx

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